Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Not far away, Qingfeng and Jinghuai followed, and they shrugged instantly.

"Oh! Lord, here! Only our wife." Jinghuai pointed to his head and said.

"Look, in order to make the lady comfortable every time you come out, the Lord ordered the other house to be renovated, and that's it. In the past few days, you have ordered the Yunxiao Temple to be reorganized, saying that the wife is likely to return to the cloud Live in the city, and the wife will return to Yuncheng. With his troublesome temperament, Qingfeng, do you say she will return to Yuncheng? "

"I don't know if my wife will return to Yuncheng, but my wife promised Qinglian. After I married Qinglian, I could live in Mingyue Villa."

Qing Feng had a touch of tenderness on her serious face.

Jinghuai looked at it, and he squeaked his lips, and suddenly came to Qingfeng: "Qingfeng, you have a good life! But how are you prepared for the gift? Marry a person at Mingyue Villa, the gift is not indispensable."

Qing Feng smiled quickly, "This is a major event in my life, and naturally I will not be wronged."

"That being the case, I'll just wait and drink at the Hi Bar!"

The two brothers smiled at each other, and the meaning in their eyes was self-evident.

In the room, Su Zimo couldn't sleep, so he asked Mu Yunxuan to play chess, and the two actually started playing chess.

The chess pieces did not drop a few, Su Zimo suddenly discovered that Mu Yunxuan was already the winning side.

"I'm just going to play a little furry, not fine."

Su Zimo shook her head and played chess with an opponent like her. It should be very interesting!

"Anyway! I will teach Mo Er later."

Mu Yunxuan smiled softly at her.

I took a sip of tea, and aside, the water in Su Zimo's tea cup had reached the bottom.

But at this moment, the color changed instantly between heaven and earth.

Mu Yunxuan entered a place where the mountain collapsed, fireballs and flames flew at a rapid speed.

It was only in his hand that he still held the tea with temperature.

"Bang!" The jade cup in his hand slipped, and the broken voice was clear and harsh.


Mu Yunxuan was in a hurry, looking at such a huge enchantment, without having to think about who made it.

Now I can only quickly break this enchantment and go out to find Moer. The wound on Moer's body has just healed, and the wound cannot be split.


Moaning in pain echoed in the dark cave.

Immediately, a small laugh sounded, and the laugh was gentle enough to drip water.

"My good sister, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Do you remember my sister?"

While talking, the cave was lit by people.

Su Zimo, by the light, saw Su Ziyun's moment, her eyes were slightly surprised!

"Can't think of it, it's me, my good sister."

Speaking, Su Ziyun hit a black light into Su Zimo's chest.

Suddenly, Su Zimo's purple dress was stained with blood, and the wound on her body cracked again. The blood quickly drained away from the wound. The hot heat made Su Zimo know that the entire wound was cracked.

The pain tore her heart little by little, but she gritted her teeth without making a sound.

"How's it going?"

Su Ziyun crouched down, pulled off the clothes on Su Zimo's chest, and grabbed a finger on Su Zimo's chest.

Su Zimo was convulsing with pain in her body. She was almost fainted as soon as she was black, but she was holding on desperately.

"Su Ziyun!" Su Zimo bit her teeth and called out three words with pain.

The tea was actually poisonous. For the sake of safety, Yunxuan checked it again, and she checked it again with Rosemary Wing. There was no problem. So where did the problem occur?

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