Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1493: : Today's plan failed again

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Su Zimo quickly glanced at the fake Mu Yunxuan.

A quick flick of fright on his face!

Mu Yunxuan has found here, so fast. Today, I only want to see the people who are searching for the Wu tribe, and then I want to use his identity to lead Su Zimo out. If he can kill, he can kill. Know what you want.

"Mo Er." Mu Yunxuan rushed into the middle of them, watching Su Zi Mo be fine, his nervous heart was relieved instantly.

Dare to kill him by pretending to look like him!

"Yunxuan, I'm fine!"

Su Zimo smiled softly, and the person he loved could always recognize it at a glance.

Mu Yunxuan turned around and looked at the man who was exactly the same as him, with sharp and murderous eyes.

Without any hesitation, Mu Yunxuan quickly flew towards the fake Mu Yunxuan.

A look at the fake Mu Yunxuan, his eyes became deeper and deeper. Today, Mu Yunxuan came, and it seemed that the result he wanted was not obtained.

He trembled with his fingertips and quickly retracted the repair.

Turning around, they found that their own people had been killed by Mu Yunxuan.

"Huh!" He snorted back to Mu Yunxuan, disappearing quickly in place.

"Mor, it hurts." Mu Yunxuan pulled her and examined her whole body.

"Yunxuan, I'm fine, don't worry, I suspect he is Mu Langyu."

"It's him." Mu Yunxuan's eyes stunned.

"Why did he kill you over and over again? Reasonably, he has no reason to kill you?"

"I'm also surprised that if he wants to save my mother, then I will be the only one in my world. If I die, my mother's will will be gone."

Su Zimo recalled them.

"Go, let's go back and talk."

Riding on the Golden Dragon, Su Zimo suddenly remembered Mu Yunzhen.

"By the way, let's go to Mingyue Danhang to pick up the child, I just ran out like this, and the child will be worried."

Speaking of Er, Mu Yunxuan thought of Mo Niang fiercely.

"By the way, Mo'er, Ma'er said that Ma'am came after you."

Su Zimo looked startled!

"I didn't meet Mo Niang, quickly, we searched along the way."

Su Zimo was secretly anxious, now she only hopes that Mu Niang has not fallen into the hands of the Wu tribe.

In Beijing, there are people from Mingyue Mountain Villa and Yuncheng everywhere. No one dares to start, but it is not necessarily outside the city.

"Mo Er, don't worry, because of Xiu Niang's practice, few people can hurt her."

But Su Zimo was still worried, not afraid of being afraid of someone coming.

In the capital, south of the city breaks into the underground palace.

Leng Gang stood below like a statue.

"Damn, today's plan failed again."

The upper man in the black robe clenched the golden chair tightly.

"Holy deity, anyway, Su Zimo went to the Witch tribe and died right and left, why should we spend our energy to kill her?"

Leng Gang's suspicious eyes looked up at the man in black robe.

"What do you know? Mo Yuntian is a ghost clan. The daughter connected to his bloodline has the same weirdness. If it is other people, the injury is so serious that she has returned to Jiuquan long ago, but her injury passed through the night. It's all right, isn't this weird? "

The man in the black robe shouted angrily, as long as he encountered Su Zimo's things, it was not smooth.

"Holy deity, this time we lost a dozen masters of the peak of the Holy Age. This revenge must be reported. Even the ghosts, charms, crickets, and crickets are dead. He is very unwilling."

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