Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Second princess, help! These two boys are trying to make a mistake, and some of our brothers are not their opponents."

Several men crawled up to the door.

There was a mess of footsteps outside the door.

Immediately, the people who appeared together were the patriarch, Yao Yue, Yao Feng and Yuechen.

Su Li and Su Qi looked at them gloomily. Both brothers knew in their hearts that they were framed tonight.

It was just that the brothers had no fear on their faces, but thought things tonight were fun.

Yao Feng quickly walked to Long Yan.

"Father, these two children are extremely tall. They just wanted to conspiracy. They were stopped by Lin Ying. They were just lost and hurt. Father, in recent days, several elders of our ice group have disappeared for no reason After that, the two brothers must not be able to get in touch with each other, and they asked their father to decide for several elders. "

As soon as Su Qi heard, the killing intention flashed by. He had been out for so long, and he had never been so wronged. The flames in his heart were instantly higher than the sky.

"What evidence do you have that the brothers did it, and, why are you so late in Ming Heyuan so late?"

Yao Yue looked at Yao Feng coldly. She was very fast. Why did she think that she would only do it until tomorrow? I did not expect to do it so fast!

"Sister, do you protect the brother and the two like this, does it mean that the elder disappears even if the elder disappears?"

Yao Feng looked at Yao Yue coldly. If he could kill two birds with one stone tonight, would he be happy?

"Without any evidence, how dare you frame the princess and the noble guest of this princess, Yaofeng?"

Yao Yue knew that Yao Feng had always been able to describe white as black, but she bitten so much that she had wronged the two little boys.

"Sister, how can there be no evidence? Lin Biao and so many people are watching. The two little boys want to conspiracy, Lin Biao they are no match, they were injured by the brothers, their witnesses and evidence are complete, sister How can it be said that there is no evidence? "

Yao Feng looked at Yao Yue with a smile on her face.

She never missed any chance to kill Yao Yue. Since she came back for a few months, she seems to have found out what she did that year and has been guarding her against leaks.

"Yao Feng, you ..."

Yao Yue quickly looked at Long Yan.

"Father, things are clearly strange tonight."

Long Yan didn't speak, and took a deep look at Yaofeng. In that eye, there was disappointment, and more of it was heartache!

Seeing Long Yan not talking, Su Qi smiled coldly.

"What a complete evidence!" Su Qi's face carved with powder and jade carved a small killing expression, in the moonlight, more infiltrating.

"You said that our brothers were plotting wrongdoing, but you said something about our brothers plotting, and who was wrong?"

Su Qi's tone soaked, and his eyes cut Yao Feng like a sharp blade. The clever cloth of this round tonight, if anyone else, had been jailed in a jail for a long time, it would not be clear what the 100 mouths were.

do not know why? Seeing Su Qi's confident and murderous face, Yao Feng's heart surged into a bad hunch.

But looking back, it was just two children, and they were more than enough to deal with them by themselves.

"Huh! My elders have disappeared five elders one after another. Tonight the three elders are working next door again. Of course, what you want to do is the lives of the three elders. As for the purpose of killing these elders, only you know."

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