Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1515: : How can anyone be here

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Suddenly, Yao Yue was shocked by the waves of mystery!

She quickly came out of the hall and saw Su Li, anxiously asked, "Quer, what's the matter?"

Su Li gave her a cold look: "Someone assassinated our brother, Qier chased it out."

"What?" Yao Yue was shocked!

She looked down and thought for a while. Was it Yao Yao's person, but they were almost caught last night.

By the way, Yao Feng's mother Lu Ning, she never appeared.

"Querr, go quickly, I know where they are going?"

Yao Yue led the way, Su Li followed her and chased out in the direction of Su Qi.

"Stop it for the young man, dare to attack the young man, and die!"

Su Qi shouted angrily at the dark shadows flashing ahead.

In the snow, large and small, glimmering, very fast!

Su Qi's speed can also be considered very fast, but after chasing a distance, the opponent disappeared.

He paused for a while, watching the other party go forward, and Su Qi chased out again.

This chase chased several miles away, but there was no other figure.

"Oh! What is this place?" Su Qi accidentally hit and entered an ice cave.

Watching the ice crystals on the wall of the cave bloom like lotus flowers, very beautiful.

Su Qi could not stand the temptation, and kept walking towards the cave.

Su Qi explored with curiosity, "Wow! It's so beautiful here! This ice is like crystal, so beautiful that people can't remove their eyes, it's just too cold, see if there is any baby, if there is a baby Go back and give it to your mother-in-law. The mother-in-law will be very happy. "

Su Qi knew in his heart that he couldn't catch up with the other party. Since the other party was going to kill him, he would definitely be here. He was in no hurry.

After about a pillar of incense, the ice cave began to narrow gradually.

Su Qi frowned. "Why is it getting smaller?"

"Lu Ning, are you?" A woman's weak voice suddenly came through the hole.

Su Qi listened and hesitated! How can anyone be in this?

"Lu Ning ..."

Su Qi crossed the narrow aisle, but was blocked by a white light.

Through the white light, Su Qi saw a beautiful woman sitting inside, looking at a pair of blue eyes, and she was an ice person.

The beautiful woman also saw Su Qi, a small child, and that beautiful woman was also shocked! He stared at Su Qi.

This child is not from the Bing tribe, how could he be in the boundary of the Bing tribe?

Su Qi looked at the white light in front of his eyes. It was a barrier method. He should be able to open it. He tried to open the white light with Xiu Wei. Su Qi condensed all the Xiu Wei. Finally, after a tea, Qi open barrier method.

"Child, who are you and why are you here?"

The beautiful woman was very beautiful and morbid, but when I saw her pity, Su Qi looked that Princess Yaoyue was somewhat similar to her.

"Then who are you? How could you be trapped in this ice cave? I thought there would be any baby in it?"

Su Qi was disappointed, and slowly walked towards the beautiful woman, feeling that there was no mystery in her body, and he was not worried.

The beautiful woman smiled softly, "There is really a baby in it, look over there."

The beautiful woman pointed behind her.

"That's ...?" Su Qi walked quickly.

"There are millennium snowdrops, hidden by me."

The beautiful woman smiled softly, and thought that the child in front of her was very interesting, and unknowingly reminded her of her daughter.

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