Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1525: : Shao Feng, it seems your worry is unnecessary

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Su Zimo looked at him with a smile.

Yunxuan really will not let go of his own benefits at all.

It's just a night like this tonight, I'm afraid he doesn't have that mind.

Taking advantage of this vacancy, Su Zimo took out Lan Yinshi and wanted to see if the two sons were safe.

Outside the cave stood two murderous men in black.

Mu Yunxuan appeared in front of the two of them instantly, killing them all around.

"Witch people, it's not the right time to come here, disturb this seat, die!"

The voice was low, but it showed a strong intention to kill.

The two men in black were stunned by his powerful aura, and when they were in situ, it seemed that their blood was still.

Mu Yunxuan's beauty was surging, and Dan Tian's mysterious spirit was mentioned, and the ghost sword was already held in his hand. When all the spirit was gathered on the ghost sword, Mu Yunxuan shot in vain, and in the dark, a strong Golden light cuts through the dark night.

The two men in black had no time to fight back, and their bodies had become two halves.

The power of Golden Dragon Slash is immense.

At a glance, Li Yun felt a chill in her heart.

This person should be Mu Yunxuan. His cultivation is too amazing. If he and Su Zimo join forces, he is not their opponent at all.

She didn't rush tonight tonight. It seemed right. She had to think of another way. The black light disappeared and Liyun disappeared. It never seemed to happen.

Mu Yunxuan looked up again and looked around, this trick killed a hundred, can make the night tonight calm for a while.

On the big tree not far away, Luo Fan looked at Murong Shaofeng with a mask.

"Shao Feng, it seems that your worry is unnecessary. Mu Yunxuan's practice is that few people in the world can beat it."

Murong Shao Feng gave a casual glance at Mu Yunxuan, who disappeared quickly, and said lightly: "Is that true? Few people can beat it?"

That faint tone makes people unable to hear any emotions.

If he does, Mu Yunxuan may not be able to beat him.

Not far below the tree, Jun Lintian glanced at Murong Shao Feng's position. Murong Shao Feng seemed to know that someone was looking at him and looking in the direction of Jun Lin Tian. A suspicion.

"It's quite lively here tonight."

Luo Fanyun also took out his mask and put it on.

It was just looking at Murong Shao Feng across from him, and he was gone.

Luo Fan pursed his lips with a smile and shook his head. This Murong Shao Feng was really unpredictable and quickly entered his ring of space.

"My lord, the night is deep, go back and rest!"

Luyun walked behind Junlin Tian and said softly, those slightly gloomy eyes were full of tenderness!

Jun Lintian looked back at her.

The tone was flat, "Do you really want to be with you tonight?"

Lvyun's gaze was faint, how could he suddenly ask that?

"My courtier is my emperor's person, naturally I hope to be favored by my emperor."

Lu Yun answered very frankly, her face was instantly flushed, and now she's back to him, this feeling is so good!

Jun Lintian looked at the mouth of the cave. There were people and hearts that he couldn't get, and all the women around him wanted to climb onto his bed, only her, not even looking straight at him.

Jun Lintian retracted his gaze and looked at the big tree that could not be seen far away.

"Let's go back!"

In Jun Lintian's tone, there was an inexplicable sorrow.

Lu Yun looked tightly and clenched her cuffs tightly.

Does he really fall in love with the waste he once abandoned?

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