Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1533: : Shao Feng, Momo is dead

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Mo Mo." Huofeng shouted angrily and angrily, already crying in her heart.

Mu Yunxuan, where did the male master go when it was crucial.

The huge wings of the fire phoenix seem to contain the power to open up the world between heaven and earth.

The World of Warcraft, who wanted to eat Su Zimo's body, was taken away by the fan.

"Mo Er, wake up soon!"

A gentle voice shouted in Su Zimo's ear, that gentle voice seemed to awaken the soul.

Fiercely, Su Zimo opened his eyes.

Over his head, black was pressing, and a dark shadow was desperately fighting.

But it can't kill tens of thousands of dense World of Warcraft.

Su Zimo looked at the flashing black shadows above her head. I couldn't die, her Lier was still waiting for her. Lier, the mother would not die. The mother must break the curse on you.

Su Zimo remembered the scene of his last injury.

She closed her eyes and evoked the wings of Rose with intention.

"Momo, are you awake?" Huofeng quickly turned into a human figure.

She quickly caught up with Su Zimo, and just hugged Su Zimo who was about to land. Su Zimo's body gradually turned into a big red rosemary wing drifted away.

"Ah! Here, what's going on?" Huofeng looked at his hand in shock, anxiously flushed, why Momo disappeared.

"Momo, where are you?"

Fire Phoenix cried while avoiding Warcraft.

"Huofeng, what about Momo?"

Murong Shao Feng fell to Huofeng and asked anxiously.

He managed to get rid of the Lenggang them, and in addition to his invasion of a large number of Warcraft, a blood hole was scratched on his arm.

"Shao Feng, Momo is dead. He was stabbed in the heart by the man in black above. Momo was dead and turned into a flower and flew away."

Huofeng was crying, and countless scenes of acquaintance with Momo flashed in her mind.

When Murong Shao Feng heard it, his pupils shrank, his head shook his head in disbelief, and a huge fear swallowed his heart.

Huofeng said, Momo is dead, how can it be?

The strength of the whole body is as if it was drained instantly. Murong Shao Feng is dull and stunned in place. The world seems to be isolated from him in an instant. Only the phoenix in his mind hopes that Momo is dead. Murong Shao Fengjun was so pained that he didn't want to live, his face was as dead as death, and the painful look, even the surrounding Warcraft, seemed to be infected, and quickly scattered to the side.

"Shao Feng, Momo is flying into the wings of Rosemary and we have to find her."

Huo Feng shook Murong Shao Feng's arm.

Slightly pulled back Murong Shaofeng's thoughts.

"You said, Momo flew away into the wings of Rosemary?"

Murong Shao Feng grasped the point in the words, and a thought passed by in his heart.

"Huh!" Huofeng nodded quickly, tears falling down, making people look worried.

"Go, Fire Phoenix, let's go find Momo."

I want to see dead bodies, I want to see people alive, Momo, I don't believe you are dead like this, I know how much you are reluctant to be yours

"Fire Phoenix." The two were about to leave.

Mu Yunxuan's anxious voice came from behind him.

"Where is Mo Er?" Mu Yunxuan frowned when he saw Murong Shao Feng. Why is he still in Haoyue Country?

Murong Shao Feng stared at him coldly and angrily.

"Momo is dead, and she becomes flying away."

"What, what happened?"

Mu Yunxuan couldn't believe what he believed.

"Woohoo ... there is a man in black. He stabbed Momo with a sword. Momo became a flower and flew away after landing."

Fire Phoenix was so sad that tears couldn't stop falling.

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