Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Girl, can you take a step to talk." The man in black suddenly wanted to talk to Su Zimo.

"If you want to return to Jiuqu Taiyi, then there is no need to talk about it again. I came in this adventure just to find Jiuqu Taiyi."

Su Zimo refused decisively. Seeing what he meant, he did have the intention to go back.

"But it's about the fate of our snow-covered country." The man said seriously, looking at Su Zimo's eyes with a little hope, they ran all the way to avoid the tide of Warcraft, just for Jiuqu Taiyi.

"If there is no Jiuqu Taiyi, the Four Kingdoms will change hands, and take it lightly, and you weigh it!" Su Zimo also looked at the man in black with a serious look.

"And Jiuqu Taiyi has also contracted with me, that is to say Jiuqu Taiyi has a fate with me, even if you take it back, it is useless."

The man in black took a deep look at Su Zimo, and then, just like Shi Huai, smiled and said, "It seems that we did not run in vain, at least to prove that Jiuqu Taiyi really exists."

"Yunxuan, let's go."

Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan just moved and were stopped by a man in white.

Su Zimo glanced sharply at him.

"I just saved your life before, if you don't know what to do, I can't save you!"

Just now Yunxuan has been killing his heart, this man who does not follow Xuan Ce knows how to judge the situation.

Su Zimo's words flashed a little doubt in Xuan Ce's eyes. When did she save herself?

"Xuan Ce, don't retreat!"

Xuan Ce didn't understand, but the man in black could see it, Mu Yunxuan had just killed.

"Yes, brother!" Xuan Ce reluctantly glanced at Su Zimo and stepped aside.

"Girl, can you tell the name of the next girl, so that the monarch will have an account after the next time."

"Princess Li Xiaguo, Nalan Zimo."

The name Su Zimo is easy to use in Haoyue Kingdom, but it is easy to use between the four kingdoms.

"It turned out to be Princess Li Xiaguo, it was rude."

The laughter of the man in black grew deeper.

"You bullshit, you obviously called Su Zimo, how could it be Nalan Zimo?"

Ningxiang said quickly! She clearly said that she was called Su Zimo.

The man looked at Ningxiang and explained: "The girl doesn't know. The second princess is not only the owner of Mingyue Mountain Villa, but also the second princess of Li Xiaguo. Since Jiuqu Taiyi is in the hands of the second princess, she will be relieved.

Su Zimo raised his eyes and glanced at him gently. The man seemed to know her identity.

"This ..." Ningxiang stomped her feet. Why does this woman have so many identities, the princess' identities are all out.

"Thank you so much, goodbye!"

This time, no one was stopping Su Zimo.

But at this time, the breath of poison barrier became more and more intense.

Mu Yunxuan used mysterious energy to open the way for Su Zimo.

"Brother, why let her take Jiuqu Taiyi for nothing, we can take the opportunity to discuss the conditions."

Xuan Ce looked at the back of Su Zimo when they left, and was not convinced.

The black shadow man said positively: "Xuan Ce, there is a sky outside, this Su Zimo's identity is not simple. He is the wife of Mu Yunxuan, the master of Yuncheng, a treasure in the hands of Mu Yunxuan, and a friend of our emperor of the Xingyue Kingdom There is nothing for us here, we go back. "

The man in black couldn't help but pull Xuan Ce and disappeared quickly.

"Ningxiang, let's find a safe place to hide first. The poison barrier is getting stronger and stronger."

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