Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Meng Fan looked eagerly and expectantly at Su Qi's elixir. He wanted to be a strong man to protect his grandpa and sister.

In the hometown of Yumi, their Li family was so poor that they couldn't even afford three meals a day, all of them complained about praying to their families and forced their father and mother to death.

"Hold it!" Su Qi looked at him very hesitantly, and moved closer.

"Little boy, you have helped us a lot. We can't afford such a precious elixir."

In fact, Meng Yao was hesitant. If his brother can become a strong man, then they don't have to be bullied.

"Don't worry, I have a lot of such elixir. I don't lack two or two of you. I usually help people who are kind."

Su Qi stuffed the elixir into Meng Fan's hands. Is this the first time that he wants to send the elixir without sending it out?

"Thank you little boy! Lofan ca n’t give anything back, but there is something here in Luo Fan that will shine at night, but for Meng Fan, it wo n’t do anything. Give it to me as a memorial! "

Luo Fan took out a black iron block like black iron and handed it to Su Qi.

Su Qi glanced wide at the look.

Shouting with excitement: "Oh, oh! The thing I'm looking for is in your hands, this is really a fate, just rely on you to give me this thing, and you will give me the things you cultivate."

Su Qi with a small face excitedly took the things in Luo Fan's hands. The magic picture of life and death is now only one piece. He Su Qi was so lucky.

"So you found it?" Su Li looked at his brother, which was too easy.

"Brother, don't you understand this? Finding this thing all depends on fate, every time it is like this, people who have this thing have a hard time, and the one they found in Furong City has a hard time with that sister's house. "

Upon hearing this, Meng Fan and Meng Yao looked at Su Qi strangely.

"Little boy, since this thing was accidentally picked up by my dad, my home has been ruined. It seems that it is really unlucky."

When Luo Fan heard it, he gave such unlucky things to the little boy, would he be angry?

"It seems to me that it is not auspicious, but there is no way I need it." Su Qi smiled and gave you Luo Fan a reassuring look.

"You look around, we take Old Man Li to his house to see. If nothing else happens, we will be here."

Suddenly, a roar came from the street.

Meng Yao quickly walked to the window and looked down.

"It's grandpa, they caught grandpa."

Meng Yao stomped anxiously.

"Grandpa!" Meng Fan was anxious, looked at the elixir in his hand, and swallowed quickly.

Su Qi glanced, blinking like obsidian.

"Brother, are you temporarily holding your feet?"

Meng Fan looked at Su Qi with a firm face. He had to be strong to protect his grandpa and sister.

If it wins! This joy of defeating yourself is far stronger than defeating others!

"You're so anxious for success, it's useless."

Su Qi looked at her brother.

"Take care of the rest. I'll go out and take a circle. I'll be looking for you later."

"Brother! You are more and more impersonal."

Su Qi quickly thumbed up at Su Qu.

"Don't slap me, but only on the hoof." Su Li said, the small figure quickly flew out of the window.

Looking at that graceful movement, Meng Fan looked envious, and one day he would be as powerful as this.

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