Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1575: : Heaven and Earth Spirit Stone

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"and many more……"

Su Zimo quickly called Huoyu again.

"Hot fire, if you really have a baby, you can't swallow it privately, the seeer has a share!"

"You girl, it really makes me speechless, I'm all yours, and I'm afraid I'll swallow your baby!"

"I just remind you." Su Zimo's face flashed unnaturally.

Is the spirit stone bred from the fire of heaven and earth a rare good treasure?

"You! The devil is in awe, wait for my good news!" Huo Xun walked into it with a smile.

"Stop!" Suddenly a soft drink came.

Su Zimo looked back, Mo Bai and Ningxiang.

The two were surrounded by a blue light around them, obviously not afraid of the heat.

Did she also want to have a drink, but here she found it first.

"Why do you tell me to stand still?" Huo looked at Ningxiang in a white suit unhappyly.

"Mr. Mu, Mrs. Su, is it convenient to do this? This spiritual stone is very important to our clan."

Ningxiang looked at Su Zimo, with a serious face!

Su Zimo glanced at her lightly, her face was cloudy and cloudy, and she said to Ningxiang: "This psychedelic forest has its own ability to find treasures. I Su Zimo has never been a wedding dress for others. , Even more people who can't stand the sand in their eyes, this spiritual stone is important to you, isn't it important to me? "

Ning Xiang was surprised for a while, and realized that his rhetoric was so far-fetched that he frowned awkwardly.

"Girl Su, we are here this time in search of this heaven and earth spirit stone, and I ask you for your convenience."

Ningxiang's tone softened a little.

"Oh ..." Su Zimo said with a laugh, how dangerous it was to see the rising smile on his face, "It's convenient for you, so who will do it for me?"

Just the heat emanating from the cave is mixed with a strong mystery, you know how good this spiritual stone is, how could she easily give it to others, and the other party and her are unrelated.

What's more, this woman is so shameless, she is obviously dissatisfied with her, and now she wants to make her convenient?

"Girl Su ..." Mo Bai wanted to say something, and was stared back by Su Zimo's fierce look.

Mo Bai looked at the cave and swallowed back his expression, but he couldn't let go of the spirit in the cave.

The high temperature rises here, but the overflowing mystery can never be faked. There must be a heaven and earth spirit in this cave, but unfortunately they came one step late.

Ningxiang opened her mouth. "Miss Su, there will not be only one piece of heaven and earth. If you can divide us, Ningxiang must be thanked!"

Su Zimo smiled coldly. She had never seen such a shameless person. When she satired her, how could she not have one day when she thought of herself.

She is not a person who cherishes revenge very much, but this woman let her avenge her, and gave her, isn't she more puzzled about her hatred?

"No need, I don't lack anything!" Su Zimo refused decisively. If you are of good character, others will take advantage of you. If you are a little bit more prone, you will not be bullied.

Ningxiang looked at Su Zimo's eyes as she grew older and more resentful, she really didn't eat.

Ningxiang pursed her lips and said again, but her tone was a little softer: "Then you can think about it, if you need it, I will satisfy you. We really need this heaven and earth spirit stone . "

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