Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!


Ningxiang did not expect how this Su Zimo was so difficult to deal with.

Before that, no one could control her.

She didn't believe that she could not handle a Su Zimo.

"But what if I could save you?"

"Ningxiang, don't talk about it ..."

"Brother." Ning Xiang turned quickly and glared at him. Is this brother turning his elbow now?

He was interested in Su Zimo, but unfortunately, Su Zimo was a dead person.

He clearly knew the purpose of their coming out this time, and she needed more of this heaven and earth spirit stone.

So before that, she didn't disclose anything.

Even what happened in these psychedelic forests in the past few days, she didn't ask her brother to tell them, but she didn't expect to let this Su Zimo take the lead first.

"Mo Er ..."

"Yunxuan, would you believe what she said? My dad couldn't help it, and the teacher couldn't help it. Would you believe what she said?"

Su Zimo quickly interrupted Mu Yunxuan's words.

She knew that he cared, but she would not believe this woman at this time, and she thought that Yunxuan would not lose her judgment at this time.

Indeed, Mu Ningxuan was really excited when Ningxiang said she wanted to save Mo Er, and he cared too much.

"Tiandi Lingshi, I want to take it back to Qier, and now he is a god-level Sanpin alchemist. Before ten years old, I want Qier to become an emperor-level alchemist."

When Mo Bai heard it, she looked at her in shock, what kind of child would be so powerful? So powerful that he was incredible.

Before the age of ten, he became an emperor-level alchemist and never appeared in the world.

Mo Bai was so eager to see the child.

"Momo, I found it, there is only one, the size of an egg, crystal clear, very beautiful, if you give it to Qier, he must be very happy." Huo Xi came out cheerfully, facing the heaven and earth spirit stone in his hand to Su Zi Mo was shaking, a red wave of light was flowing inside, very beautiful.

I saw Huoyan holding up the heaven and earth spirit stone in his hand, absorbing half of the surrounding heat, and then absorbing half himself.

In the end, Huo Shushutan closed his eyes.

Mo Bai and Ningxiang looked at Huoyan in amazement. Where did this man come from? Actually dare to smoke the heaven and earth.

But even so, Ningxiang bit her lip tightly, and even if she broke her lower lip, she didn't mean to give up halfway. Her eyes were wide open, staring at the crystal clear stone in the hand of Huoyu. Stubborn and unwilling.

Gradually, the surrounding heat instantly disappeared, and Su Zimo recovered the power of Jiuqu Taiyi.

Huo Xi ran to Su Zimo with a smile.

Just wanting to go further, he was stopped by Mu Yunxuan and looked at him with warning eyes.

Huohua skipped his lips, and he wanted to rob Momo with him again. What was he doing against him?

"Momo, it's great. In the future, you don't need to practice alchemy yourself to lower your cultivation practice. After smoking this heaven and earth, I am the best elixir of the world. In the future, you only need to send me medicine Throw it and everything is resolved. "

"Great, I have both, I will give it to Qier."

Su Zimo retracted the fire.

Mo Bai instantly understood that the man he had just turned out to be a tripod soul, and her chance was truly comparable.

"Yunxuan, let's go!"

"Wait!" Ningxiang reluctantly called Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan again.

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