Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"So this matter is serious now. I can't control you. Naturally someone can manage you."

Su Qi also knew in his heart that today's issue is a cure for the symptoms and not the root cause. He and his elder brother have left, and the three grandparents here are even more unlucky.

"What do you want?"

The King sweated sweat on his forehead.

"Not what I want? But what do you want? You are a man from the government, but you knowingly commit crimes, and you are asking me what to do? And you still ask a child what to do? Did you wake up last night? You ? "

Su Qi looked at Lord Wang with an ironic expression.

The King took a few steps back, his face pale.

At this time, no one dared to act lightly.

"Pray to the owner, this ... this?"

Lord Wang wiped his sweat and looked back at Qi Wenbai.

He's been embarrassed with him, so he doesn't know what to do now?

"Go back." Qi Wenbo gave him a cold look, and turned around and left.

"Little boy, this ..."

Lord Wang is really the first two. He was frustrated on both ends, and even his life was worrying.

"Don't stop here, get out!"

Su Qi knew that the King was afraid to convict Qi Wenbo.

"The case ..."

Master Wang looked at Su Qi with hope.

"Naturally, it won't be easy, just go back!"

When King Wang heard it, his face was ashamed, and he held his forehead and almost fainted.

Fortunately, his people quickly stepped forward to support him, and several people left with the two dead and half dead on the ground.

Grandpa Li hurried to Su Qi's side.

"Little boy, this will only increase their revenge. I'm afraid that if you leave, they will get worse!"

"Grandpa Li, you don't have to worry. I have encountered many such things, and I know what kind of results you will have after we leave. In this way, Grandpa Li, you let people who have been bullied by Qi Jia and Lord Wang or Those who were wrongly sentenced by King Wang were all written indictments. I reported it to the Emperor Xingyue Kingdom. He would send someone to deal with it, and I would wait until someone came. "

After much deliberation, he Su Qi is not suitable to deal with the affairs of the people Xingyue Kingdom!

"Qier, this idea is good. Grandpa Li, you can do it as soon as possible. We don't have much time. The water for praying is very deep. If you don't use the royal family, it will be difficult to solve." Su Li also agreed with his brother's idea.

"Good! Meng Fan, go with your grandpa, Meng Yao, you take care of the two little boys at home."

Grandpa Li shook his hands with excitement. He hoped that the people of the royal family would really appear, punishing the two **** and letting the people in Yumi's hometown have a good life.

"I see, grandpa." Meng Yao nodded quickly.

This matter quickly spread in Yumizhixiang.

The news also quickly preached in the ears of Lord Wang and Qi Wenhao.

King Wang hurried to Qijia Mountain Villa again.

Qijia Mountain Villa is luxurious and arguably the most elegant house in Yumizhixiang.

In the hall, there were only Qi Wenbai and Lord Wang.

"Pray for the owner, you must think of a way! Now the people in the hometown of Yumi are crazy, they all believe that if the two little farts are here, we have oppressed the people for so many years and will not die. No wonder! "

Lord Wang was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

"Bang!" Qi Wenbai patted the table next to him.

"What do you want to do? That child's cultivation is above the owner, if it is hard, we will not be his opponent at all."

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