Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

I do n’t know, Mu Yunxuan knew everything. When she was just in action, she turned over and Su Zimo's slender figure was suddenly pressed under him.

This was just an instantaneous thing. Su Zimo was stunned for a moment, planning to die in an instant, and she was bitterly bitter in her heart. She hadn't acted yet?

At this moment she was sad to find that she had nowhere to run.

Looking at the expression on her face, Mu Yunxuan flashed a satisfied smile.

"Mor, every time you use this trick, you just set yourself on fire."

His voice is beautiful, warm, ambiguous, and playful!

Su Zimo's face was crimson, and her body was slowly getting hot. She swallowed, her beautiful big eyes flickered, and gritted her teeth: "You, what do you say? Whatever you use this trick every time, what ignites Self-immolation? I just saw a satyr and wanted to stab him. "

"Pervert?" Mu Yunxuan stared for a moment, but now he looked like this? But ... she wants to punch him ...? He looked at her more and more evil.

Su Zimo saw a bitter face, thinking downcast, such a night, she would not want to sleep anymore.

"Mo Er, undress me."

He arched slightly, placing her hands on his waist.

He likes to look at her shy fawn's eyes, and he also enjoys her expression that she can't bear but has to do.


Su Zimo refused decisively, didn't she take the initiative to put herself in the wolf's den?

It ’s just that the present form is better than others. Does she have any room to refuse?

It seems not!

She always knew the situation well!

Su Zimo's heart was bitter, and she really set herself on fire.

"Mo Er, are you rejecting me?"

His dark eyes exuded a wild breath, the **** in his eyes soared to the highest point, and the throat that rolled up and down was **** and could not help but blush.

Su Zimo could only reach out and untie his belt.

Her soft hands gradually touched his waist and rested, which made him react very much. I thought of the wonderful expression on her little face, but I didn't expect that I would suffer in the end.

Her movements were slow and slow. I didn't know if it was intentional or something else. Mu Yunxuan only thought she was too slow.

"Mo Er, are you deliberate?"

He bowed his head, facing the slightest playfulness in her clear watery eyes and the smirk in the corner of his lips.

Under his eyes, there was a rush of fanaticism, and he knew that she had tortured him on purpose.

There was a wicked smile in his corner of his mouth, and he held her hands that he wanted to make trouble again.

Next second!


Su Zimo's white dress was instantly fragmented.

Su Zimo's eyes with magnificent colors suddenly stared at him with a smile on his face, and a anger was brewing under his eyes.

"Mu Yunxuan, this is my favorite skirt." Su Zimo glared at him with a roar, and the anger on his red face gradually expanded.

Mu Yunxuan didn't mind it at all, but looked at her more tenderly. "I will let you prepare a few better than this when I go back."

While she fell, he quickly bowed his head and kissed the gorgeous red lips ... in a moment, full of beautiful scenery, crazy to the limit ......

That night, Su Qi didn't sleep well.

Not only did Su Qi not sleep well, everyone did not sleep well that night.

Su Qi made it difficult for him to fall asleep because of the smell of the medicinal herbs.

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