Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!


There is really no way to Mu Yunxuan. At first, there are too many shells, and the shell of this kind of Warcraft is very hard. It is not only poisonous in the place where the dim light is emitted on the back, but also poisonous on the scratchers. Wherever they pass, flowers and trees will wither.

When Jun Lintian heard it, he frowned. It was not the way to go. They actually had the ability to break the enchantment.

"What if you use fire?" Su Zimo also contemplates.

"No, they will fly around in the sky with fire and it will be more difficult to deal with."

Mu Yunxuan also thought about using fire, but that would make the bug flee everywhere, making it more difficult to deal with.

"Shao Feng, look, those bugs crawled over to the owner of Su Zhuang."

Luo Fan was surprised and knew that the bug was not easy to deal with.

Murong Shao Feng looked in his eyes, and was in a hurry. There were too many, and he couldn't finish it.

In the forbidden area!

Geng Leyu looked at the shocking scene and smiled happily.

Tianwuli, a few drops of blood were wrapped in white light and hit the enchantment.

"Hmm ..."

The ghostly ogre, Warcraft, was instantly excited when it smelled this **** smell.

"Not good. Someone's bleeding on the enchantment."

Upon listening to Ningxiang, Su Zimo quickly stuck.

"Aunt, what should I do?"

"What to do? Cold." Su Zimo was cold, so many people remembered her life. At this time, how can you feel happy without spraying salt on the wound?

"Not good! Someone's bleeding from their enchantment."

Murong and Shao Feng want to go out of bounds without thinking.

When Lovan saw it, he quickly pulled him back.

"Shao Feng, don't worry, Mu Yunxuan and Junlin Tian are in the realm. If they can't think of a way, we won't be too late."

Murong Shao Feng calmed a little.

"Aunt, they are coming in."

Ningxiang hugs Su Zimo's arm tightly, and that terrifying voice makes people have great fear from the bottom of her heart.

Su Zimo is about to make a move, Mu Yunxuan is faster than her, and once again sets up an enchantment around.

"Enchantments in enchantments?"

Mo Bai looked at Mu Yunxuan in surprise, he actually had such ability.

There are few people who can set up an enchantment in the enchantment, and even those who have reached the peak of the mysterious soul level can rarely do so unless they are not human.

"These ghostly man-eating Warcrafts came along with the emergence of the earth, and if we can reach the dawn, they will disappear with the earth."

"It's two and a half hours before dawn." Su Zimo looked at him with anxiety.

If you use Rosemary Wings, I don't know if it will kill this **** stinky Warcraft.

"Mo, don't worry, this enchantment is even stronger than the outside world."


As soon as Mu Yunxuan's words fell, Tao Zixu, who was not far behind him, snorted suddenly, and everyone squatted to the ground.

She was too tired, and her back was seriously injured. This action opened the wound on her back.

A faint **** smell made everyone's heart quickly feel a bad feeling.

"You are crazy, what blood is bleeding at this time." Ning Xiang roared.

"Do you think I think?"

Tao Zixu's face was weak, a thin layer of sweat was on his forehead, and the whole man looked at him trembling.

Su Zimo quickly walked over, releasing the wings of Rosemary on the wound behind her.

But the result surprised her, and Rosewing was unwilling to treat her.


Su Zimo secretly said not well.

A drop of blood can kill someone, and now she has blood on her back.

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