Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1631: : Non-disaster is disaster

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Su Qu touched Yongyuan's gaze and moved away slightly.

Su Qu turned, quickly integrated into the crowd, and gradually walked to the other side.

There was a hint of doubt in Yong Yuan's deep eyes. The child's eyes just didn't match his age.

The eyes were sharp and arrogant.

"Brother, think about it with four drums. Father is here. Let's go! The test has begun. Come out first and win!"

Yong Yi pursed her lips with a smile, but the coldness in those eyes did not diminish.

"Let's go!" Yongyuan strode over Yongyi.

The wicked smile of Yongyi's mouth widened, and he must succeed tonight.

Here, Su Qi has been paying attention to A Hai's movements, and he suddenly discovered that A Hai is a dog nose, and among so many people, he can still smell his smell.

Su Qi is always hiding in Ah Hai.

He took a leg of lamb in hand and walked behind the field while eating.

He didn't dare to stay. If he stayed, he would be found.

Strength, strength!

During this time, he deeply realized a problem, there is no strong strength! Lifetime will be stepped on by someone stronger than yourself.

Su Qi thought as he walked, unknowingly, he entered a weird room.

Everyone was focused on the carnival, and no one noticed Su Qi's movement.

As soon as he entered the door, the door was suddenly closed, and the cold wind blowing from the door made Su Qi shrink in an instant.

He raised his eyes and looked around. It was weird. Under the dim light, there were bull heads on the walls on both sides, red cloths on the bull heads, and some strange symbols and decorations. White mist kept rising on the ground. There is no sound of the wind when there is wind, so weird is as weird as possible!

This is where he entered, it will not be the forbidden area of ​​Maple City!

Su Qimeng swallowed a mouthful of water, which was not what he wanted, absolutely not! He just wanted to enjoy the banquet outside.

Looking back at the scene where Ah Hai was looking for him, Su Qi's face carved with blue and green veins burst out, his fists clenched, and even his nails fell into the palm of his hand. Here comes this horrible place.

He stubbornly held up his cute little face and walked step by step, the more weird he went, the more he entered the enchantment or the barrier method, but it looked nothing like it!

This immediately made him alert on the small and tender face.

In the room not far from Su Qi, Master Yong Yuan was walking carefully.

His contest with Yongyi was to get out of the fantasy world of the Maple Leaf Mountains.

There is a powerful Super Demon Beast Warcraft here, which is difficult to deal with, so he is extremely careful.

"Wow! There are so many chicken legs!" Su Qi floated in front of each other.

Su Qi reached out to grab the chicken leg, which disappeared instantly.

Su Qi fiercely returned, he shook his head.

"His grandma is actually a fantasy."

It's too old to sit in the head of Laojun Township.

Su Qi used his mental power to control his thoughts. In order to prevent himself from seeing what he imagined, he took out a black cloth to cover his eyes and held the speculum in his hand to show his way.


Yong Yuan fiercely looked back at Su Qi, the sharp light in his eyes was cold and terrifying.

Su Qi stopped for a moment, "Who are you?"

For a long time, long enough that I thought there was an illusion.

I heard the other's voice, "You're the kid who broke into Maple Leaf City?"

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