Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"As long as you have no plans for Maple Leaf City, we will naturally not embarrass you?" Yong Yuan tore off a piece of cloth from his body and covered his eyes.

At first glance, Su Qi concluded the deal.

"Follow me." Su Qi held his big hand in small hands, urging the power of the speculum.

The speculum gradually emits a faint green light to guide Su Qi.

And Su Qu, unknowingly came to the back of the big field.

Suddenly, a few dark shadows passed by. According to previous intuition, Su Li knew that these people would not be good people.

He looked cold and followed quickly.

Getting closer, Su Qu saw that two men in black took a woman into a cave with the hostess carrying a meal.

It seems that there is someone in this cave. Su Li suddenly remembered what Su Qi said. There was a little princess who was robbed.

Su Qu's eyes waved and found a hidden place to hide.

After the time of Yizhuxiang, the three came out quietly again.

Su Qu watched them go far before entering the cave.

The cave was very dark, and the moist smell was unpleasant. Su Qu frowned in disgust, and walked stiffly.

"Ahem ..."

There were several coughing sounds, and Su Li heard it was the child's coughing sound.

"Who's there?" The little girl heard the voice, and looked at the cave with a moment of horror.

Su Qu looked at it. A little girl, about five years old, curled up on a pile of hay, and under a dim candlelight, her dirty little face was full of fright, and her big eyes were unusually bright and moving.

Both feet and hands were tied with rope.

"You, who are you?" I saw a little boy.

The little girl was suddenly not so scared.

"Who are you? Why are you being held here?" Su Li asked coldly.

His accent? The little girl looked puzzled, but still answered, "I'm the little princess of Maple Leaf City, and I've been caught here by the bad guys."

The little girl bit her lip. "It's cold and dark here. I'm scared. Can you save me out?"

The little girl looked up and blinked at Su Li with big eyes, full of hope.

He looks so good!

Is he also from Maple Leaf City?

Why hasn't she seen him before?

He looks so good that she can remember it with a glance.

Su Li did not speak, and slowly walked over to loosen her.

When he encountered such a thing, he would naturally rescue him.

The little girl touched her red, swollen wrist.

"My name is Yu Yan, what's your name, you saved me, and I will thank you!"

Yu Yan's big eyes flickered and looked at Su Qu.

Silently silent, he untied the rope on her feet.

After doing all this, Su Qu turned and walked out.

Yuyu looked, why didn't he speak?

Seeing him go further and further, Yu Yan's face changed, and quickly chased after him.

However, at this moment, four masked men in black blocked their way.

After raining, he was afraid to hide behind Su Qu.

His small shoulder was now the only courage that supported her.

"Little princess, don't embarrass us, come back quickly!"

A man in black in front roared angrily!

"No, you bad guys, it's cold and dark here, you wait, waiting for the princess to show up, I can't spare you."

Yu Han in Ben also knew that the person who had taken her away was someone from Maple City.

"Then we can't let the little princess go out."

The man was mad and looked down at Su Qu and Yuyan.


Who knows, the next second, the man's figure rolled to the ground and screamed.

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