Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1648: : It ’s so fatal that it wo n’t die

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Because of this opportunity, Hong Huan and Black Snake were able to eat and eat.

Everyone joined forces to kill all the water lotus golden flower pythons Warcraft.

Su Zimo's winged rosemary, which had become entangled with a serpent, had quickly turned black.

She endured the pain and quickly cut off the dark rosemary wings.

At this time, the ground shook and the mountains began to collapse.

Su Zimo took back the beast and Warcraft.

At this point she looked pale, and some toxins had invaded her body.

In order not to worry Mu Yunxuan, she quickly operated the body's mysterious energy and resolved the toxins in her body.

Furiously, her clothes turned red.

The rosemary wings between the eyebrows became increasingly bright.

The pain in her body disappeared instantly, and she was slightly surprised by such a quick change!

Mu Yunxuan quickly flew to her side.

"Mo Er." He looked at her distressed.

I didn't expect those water lotus golden flower python Warcraft so difficult.

"Yunxuan, I'm fine."

The words did not fall, not far away, Jun Lintian tried his best to kill the serpent who chased him.

Fengya hiding in the dark, seeing this situation, immediately tightened her teeth, gritted her teeth, and said, "It's really fatal, so I won't die."

I didn't know that Rakuten, like a ghost, appeared immediately behind her.

He said lowly, "Do you really want her to die? Just you, you don't have the ability to kill her."

Feng Ya was so fierce that she dared not look back at Lotte.

She lowered her head in horror, and her slender body shuddered slightly. Was he just noticed the movement he had just made?

Rakuten moved and returned to Hyun Ce.

"Brother, just a viper with a viper heart, is it worth your while to come forward and say it?"

Xuan Ce said, but his eyes moved like a white scent of white fragrance. Although the little pepper was spicy, it was very appetizing to him, but his first impression was poor, making people think he was frivolous and Bad guy, unfortunately he is not.

"I always hate cruel women, let's go! Let's meet the emperor of Xingyue Kingdom."

At this time, everyone flew up.

At your feet, the dust was rising, as if you had experienced a big earthquake!

A man in a black robe appeared suddenly and rescued Tao Zixu, who was about to be buried by the boulder.

Junlin Tian also fled with the injured unconscious green cloud.

When they got to a safe place, everyone looked back. The place just before had been razed to the ground, and all traces were instantly covered, as if nothing had happened.

Su Zimo watched it quietly for a while, no matter what, such experience is frightening!

"Momo, all right!"

Murong Shao Feng watched her suddenly turn into a red dress, and she was stunningly beautiful.

"It's okay, Shao Feng."

Now she is okay even if there is something.

"Don't you go back?"

Su Zimo stared at him with a squint.

Murong Shao Feng smiled, "I knew I couldn't hide it from you. I didn't want to disturb you and Yunxuan, so I asked another friend to come."

Mu Yunxuan looked at him with surprise.

How could he be so relaxed and speak so easily at this moment?

Looking at his smiley eyes, he was well concealed. There were no other waves in the smiley eyes at this moment.

"It was for me!" Su Zimo actually didn't believe what he said, but often some lies were beautiful, but the person who lied was painful!

"What about your friends?" Su Zimo looked around without anyone else.

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