Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1652: : Just now you were closest to my aunt

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Hell spirit flower, also called dead spirit flower, in Mu Yunxuan's ears, what a terrible word.

"Mo, it's all my fault, I shouldn't leave you."

What does the life and death of others do with him? He only cares about his stranger.

How can he make such mistakes repeatedly?

"Hell spirit flower is commonly known as undead flower, which has fatal damage to Jing Yuan."

Ling Feng murmured to himself! There was a horror in his eyes.

When Feng Ya heard it, she was shocked!

It turned out that that little flower really killed Su Zimo.

She had lived so long, and it was the first time she had heard such a powerful flower.

Su Zimo also quickly accepted this fact.

She had a quiet and peaceful face. The last time she had Tan Zanran's help, she survived a disaster safely. This time, she was afraid of ...?

Destiny is really unfair. In less than four months, she will be able to save her.

No, she can't die, at least not now!

She wants to save Lier!

A strong idea screamed in Su Zimo's mind.

"Yunxuan, don't be sad, I'll be fine, I won't let myself be fine."

Su Zimo raised his hand vigorously and gently touched his painful cheek. "Every time I make you so sad, sorry!"

"No, Mo Er, I hurt you every time." Mu Yunxuan shook her head, and those painful eyes were full of helplessness and pain.

"Yunxuan, I want to transform the spirit body now, but I have no strength, Yunxuan, can you help me?"

"Mo Er, what do you want me to do?" Mu Yunxuan hugged her tightly.

The pain of heartbreaking lungs hit the whole body, and Su Zimo shivered a little.


Su Zimo spit out black blood.

Everyone looked at her with anxiety and heartache.

"Mo Er ..." Mu Yunxuan was shocked, unable to self.

"Auntie, aunty, Ningxiang is not good. Ningxiang is so close to her, but she can't protect her."

Ningxiang was guilty, how did **** spirit flower get to her aunt?

Ningxiang looked at Fengya fiercely.

"Is it you? You were closest to my aunt just now."

Ningxiang suddenly pushed Fengya, and Ji Zhi looked angrily at Fengya.

Feng Ya was very flustered, but her face was calm.

"Not me, no."

Feng Ya shook her head in grievance.

"I have no injustice with my sister. Why should I hurt my sister?"

Ling Feng looked at her fiercely, his eyes cracked.

Yes! Su Zimo and her are innocent and innocent, why did she kill Su Zimo.

Su Zimo also had no strength to argue with them.

She clenched Mu Yunxuan's hand and smiled softly at him. If she didn't die this time, she would marry him when she returned.

Mu Yunxuan responded to her, but the smile was more ugly than crying.

Mu Yunxuan's hands slowly flowed into Su Zimo's body.

Su Zimo smiled slightly, and began to transform the soul and body with one mind and one mind.

Mingyue Valley!

Mo Yuntian and Bai Qingjun, Xiner, stood by the crystal ball.

Xiner already cried and became a teardrop.

Mo Yuntian and Bai Qingjun looked at Su Zimo seriously.

"Grandpa Mo, my mother-in-law will be fine, isn't it? Grandpa sends Xiner to accompany his mother-in-law?

Xin Er shook Mo Yuntian's arm.

She wanted to go to her mother immediately.

Bai Qingjun looked at him, "Yuntian, send Xiner over! Lest the girl run back and forth."

Mo Yuntian nodded.

Pick up Xiner!

Injected a white light into the white crystal ball, and left Xiner.

In a blink of an eye, the two went to Su Zimo.

Su Zimo thought he had a hallucination.

Opening her eyes slightly, she saw her daughter.

She smiled happily.

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