Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1655: : You're so sophistical

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"I have all seen it. Your cultivation is very familiar to me. You are so deceptive!"

Although Ling Feng did not see how the undead flower returned to the rosemary wings of Su Zimo.

But Feng Ya's cultivation is very familiar to him, and the mysterious energy just now belongs to Feng Ya.

Feng Yameng lifted his eyes, his eyes were hazy, and looked at Ling Feng with an aggrieved look.

After a while, she smiled, so gentle and beautiful, harmless like a clean lotus.

"It's not me, Brother Lingfeng, it's really not me. Just like Brother Lingfeng said, Feng Ya and her sister have no revenge. How could Feng Ya hurt her sister, only when Feng Ya was close to Ningxiang, Someone pushed Fengya a little bit, but Fengya turned around, but she had nothing. Brother Lingfeng, Fengya is a man. You do n’t know, how can you do this to Fengya? ”

Feng Ya suddenly took a few steps back, heartbroken.

Sen Feng's eyes became more and more infiltrating, just because he knew her too well, he would doubt her.

Looking at his still unbelieving eyes, Feng Ya shook her head sadly at Ling Feng.

He softly cried and said, "Brother Lingfeng, in this world, anyone can doubt Fengya. Brother Lingfeng can't. Does Brother Lingfeng know how much Fengya loves Brother Lingfeng? What brother Lingfeng cares about With people, Feng Ya has never had the courage to touch. "

Feng Ya shivered with anger, and I felt pity for that tenderness and weakness.

She knows his character, he likes and cares, and never allows anyone to touch.

But she had to move Su Zimo.

Ling Feng's sharp eyes looked deeply into her still-hidden eyes.

He knows Feng Ya has always been good at acting.

But he had already seen her true face, how abominable she was!

"You don't have to waste time on me, I won't marry you in my life, you go home out of the psychedelic forest!"

After speaking, Ling Feng strode away.


Fengya took a few steps back in despair, her heart was smashed by a sledgehammer for a moment.

She could hear that voice clearly.

He actually said that he would not marry her.

He knew that in order to marry her, she had worked hard from childhood to age, and how many women had stepped under her feet, so that she could stand beside him like today.

When Mo Bai heard not far away, she also understood that the aunt she took out her heart to save the rescued person was actually a poisonous snake in a beautiful human skin. It was also said that her aunt caused her own grief today. Save them, there will be nothing today.

But stupid people always have stupid blessings. Aunts who are so kind will certainly be fine.

Not far away, two women came over, and a quick look, it was Yinger and Aunt Xin.

Aunt Xin looked at Fengya with a sneer.

"Why are you so stupid, girl? Do you really think there is any true love in this world? He doesn't have a trace of your status in his eyes, that is a white-eyed wolf, is it worth you? He can leave you in this dangerous psychedelic Forest, do you think you will be good in the future? "

Yinger sneered, but was involved in the broken wrist, grinning in pain, almost unable to get up in a breath.

Seeing the two of them, Feng Ya changed her face to be soft and weak, and instantly froze, and asked coldly, "I don't need you to point your finger at my affairs."

Feng Ya looked at them defensively.

He was cruel to her, not to his father. He was filial, and he could only marry her from beginning to end. As for Su Zimo, he would never get it.

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