Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Mu Yunxuan looked down at it fiercely, his mother appeared so soon!

On the top of the collapsed mountain, a pale blue dragon gradually appeared.

The dragon seemed to be next to the skyline. The two long dragon whiskers kept flashing, what seemed to be inducting them?

Those pale blue eyes were full of majesty and Xiao killing.

This is the source of fear.

Not far away, bursts of heartbreaking and terrifying shouts came!

"Aunt ... aunt, wouldn't he be the mother of this little ice crystal dragon? If so, it would be too big, and Xianger would be the first time to see such a big beast."

Ningxiang's face was pale. Such a spirit beast made her contract and gave her a golden mountain. She wouldn't go. How many years would she live? To grow so big.

Su Zimo glanced back at the excited little ice crystal dragon in Xiner's arms, his eyes flashed, and he said unhappyly, "Nine out of ten is."

Su Zimo looked at the huge ice crystal dragon, and suddenly felt the blood spurted.

Mu Yunxuan also has a dignified face. This ice crystal dragon is very strong and has a very high defense force. Ordinary swords can't hurt it.

This is not a matter of piercing its head or piercing its heart to escape, the problem is that the scales on their bodies are very hard, and it is always tricky to twist their bodies to protect their fragile places.

The giant ice crystal dragon moved, and it was shaking again.

Mu Yunxuan looked at the small ice crystal dragon in Xiner's arms. As long as it was silent, they would be fine for the time being!

Just thinking what came, the little ice crystal dragon opened his mouth and responded instantly.

Mu Yunxuan could not help but stare, even breathing became tense.

The giant ice crystal dragon heard the sound of the small ice crystal dragon, and was instantly excited, moving in the direction of the small ice crystal dragon.

"Ah!" Ningxiang hugged Mo Bai's arm tightly.

"Aunt, it, it's coming, coming towards us."

Rao is Ningxiang, who is the pinnacle of the mysterious soul step, and she is astonished at the moment!

"Xin'er, give it back to Xiaobing Jinglong."

Su Zimo knew that fighting it would definitely be a dead end, and returning Xiaobing Jinglong to it was the smartest move at this time.

The giant ice crystal dragon came towards them, but it was just a matter of nodding.

Its head is big enough for that half of the mountain.

"Okay, my dear."

Xiner is afraid! But Dad's arms made her feel warm and safe.

The three retreated to Mu Yunxuan's side.

Xiner held her breath!

Raise the small ice crystal dragon high.

The giant ice crystal dragon was furious when he saw the blue traces on the tail of the small ice crystal dragon.

"Damn human, how dare to hurt the child of the god?"

It would say, Mu Yunxuan was relieved, so it would be easier to explain, just now Xiner did not have a contract ice crystal dragon, but now they have helped them.

"Shao Feng, what should we do? The two of us are so far away, we can't save them." To tell the truth, Luo Fan looked at the giant ice crystal dragon, his face was already pale.

Murong Shao Feng clenched his thin lips and didn't speak, his heart already mentioned his throat.

He knew Momo had a way.

When Xiner heard it, her little head shook like a rattle.

"We didn't hurt it. It hurt. I just want to help it."

Xiner plucked up the courage to justify!

Xiner's sweet voice made the giant ice crystal dragon feel no provocation.

Its bright eyes looked at Xin'er curiously.

She just held her child and did not contract with her child.

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