Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

In the dark night, Su Zimo's red face is red, green silk is dyed, the dress is elegant, the fairy is elegant, as beautiful as coming out of the painting.

A bright bright moon gradually appeared in the sky. Under the bright moon, the red figure was even more eye-catching.

Luo Fan watched not far away, returning slightly.

Looking at Murong Shaofeng's eyes that were soft.

He finally found out why Shao Feng loved Su Zimo like that.

This woman is not only beautiful, but also a smart and capable woman.

Gradually, Junlin Tian's scarlet eyes turned black.

The moment of King Lin's return to God.

I looked where I was.

what happened?

Wasn't he here just now?

He turned quickly and looked at the stunning Su Zimo in the moonlight.

What did he understand instantly?

He got up quickly and asked anxiously, "Mo, have I hurt you?"

Su Zimo shook her head, "Geng Leyu is already controlling you."

"Damn!" Jun Lintian roared.

When he was under control, he felt nothing.

The cold wind roared and brought a bitter chill.

Jun Lintian looked at Su Zimo with heartache, staying with her, he would only hurt her.

In the past, he wanted to get her, no matter what their past, if he could get her, it was his greatest wish.

But now, he couldn't bear to hurt her even the slightest.

"Mo Er, thank you for helping me!"

"Junlin Tian, ​​I can only help you so much. You hold this crystal ball, let it bathe in the moonlight every night, and help you control the magic in your body when necessary."

After that, Su Zimo threw the crystal ball to Junlin Tian.

Junlin Tian flew slightly and quickly took the crystal ball.

He gave her a deep look, turned, and left quickly.

The **** old witch, she waited for him.

Witch, in the forbidden area!

Geng Leyu, who had never seen things happen to him, broke down completely.

"Damn Su Zimo, that little splasher, why did she always fight me, how did she think of that crystal ball?"

Geng Leyu was yelling loudly.

"Ah ...!" Geng Leyu hissed!

The powerful coercion caused everything in the immediate surroundings to be raged and destroyed.


Some small things were instantly fragmented.

Even so, it was not enough to vent the anger in her heart.

Hongyan had already retreated far away to avoid this coercion.

"Haha ...!"

After venting, Geng Leyu laughed wildly.

The laughter seemed to laugh at himself, or something else.

"Su Zimo, out of the psychedelic forest is the beginning of your nightmare."

Geng Leyu laughed wildly.

In the psychedelic forest, the ice and snow disappeared, and it became a vast and vast forest. The sky full of snow and ice never seemed to appear.

After the ice and snow, Su Zimo tried again.

There is still no mystery in the ring of space.

The moon in the sky is as large as a silver disk, which illuminates the entire forest, and the shaking of tree shadows can be clearly seen.

Ningxiang and Mobai looked for some dry wood and some food.

Sitting around the fire, they chatted happily.

"Aunt, I wonder if the ice amethyst is ripe?"

"I don't know, I will protect it with plant growth spar. There should be no problem. When it matures, we all have to eat."

Su Zimo threw some firewood into the fire.

Suddenly, her hand paused, and suddenly felt something strange behind her.

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