Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1681: : Don't be too happy

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Everything is evil?"

Su Zimo was shocked!

And it's also a supernatural beastly evil Warcraft.

How disturbing!

"That's right, all of them are supernatural beasts."

Ling Feng doesn't know why there are so many evil Warcrafts.

And they all appeared silently.


Everyone was wondering about themselves. In the dark night, a pair of strange green lights appeared not far away. Su Zimo looked at this scene, only to be shocked, but it was a group of evil Warcraft, and it was not a joke.

Thinking of this, Su Zimo's heart was like a kitten scratching his heart.

"Aunt, those are not true, are they?"

Ningxiang also hates Warcraft, which is smelly and difficult to kill.

"It's true." Su Zimo also hoped it wasn't true.

She really wanted the cat to be dressed in tiger skin, and she could scare away these evil World of Warcraft with a shake, but this would be because the tiger's gall in the cat's stomach couldn't be more fierce!

"My dear, those green eyes are terrible." Xin'er clutched Su Zimo's shirt tightly.

"Baby isn't afraid! Is there a mother-in-law?" Su Zimo held Xiner tightly, making her feel more secure.

Gradually, Warcraft approached more and more, Mu Yunxuan frowned.

There is no mystery in the ring of space, there is no way to hide.

Fighting so many Warcrafts was a waste of effort.

Mu Yunxuan watched those Warcrafts approaching quietly, and more and more.

He quickly set up enchantments around several people.

After doing all this, Mu Yunxuan was not at ease, and set up another enchantment within the enchantment.

"Hoo!" Ning Xiang exhaled deeply and patted her chest.

"Finally, there is no need to fight, so many evil World of Warcraft can't be killed until dawn."

"Don't be too happy, and the enchantment doesn't know how long it will last?"

Su Zimo passed Xiner to Mu Yunxuan.

She was a bit tired, but now there was no place to rest.

"Aunt, don't scare Hongxiang. This day, there is no peace in this heart. The ups and downs really hurt the body."

Su Zimo smiled and didn't speak, she naturally didn't scare her.

"Mo Er, come here."

Mu Yunxuan pulled her, holding Xiner and sitting above the fire.

That Fengya was with the other two women, and he was extra careful.

"Girl, do you have all those ice amethysts?" Aunt Xin asked suddenly.

Because she saw Feng Ya!

The woman who wanted Su Zimo to die.

Envy is enough to make a person violently kill.

"Oh, it's finished early. You look at so many of us, can't we?" Ningxiang rushed to answer.

I'm afraid Aunt Xin is grabbing ice amethyst.

"Oh! Girl Su, do you really find ice amethyst?" Ling Feng asked Su Zimo happily.

Su Zimo nodded with a smile and found it, but she was uprooted before she was mature.

When Feng Ya heard it, a jealousy flashed under her eyes, but they did not expect that they had actually found the ice amethyst fruit.

"Why do you always call my aunt Su girl! You should call my aunt Mufu talent!" Ningxiang had nothing to do, so I had to find a topic to talk about.

But this girl with a bite in Lingfeng clearly thought of her aunt?

When Ling Feng heard it, a flash of unnaturalness flashed on his face, and he didn't speak.

Ningxiang smiled again and said, "It's no wonder you would call my aunt girl, my aunt is naturally beautiful, unlike some people, who deliberately paint the whitewash, and the makeup is delicate and ugly."

When saying this, Ningxiang looked at Fengya!

Look at her, they can still keep their exquisite makeup on this escape day.

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