Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Mist array?" Su Zimo meditation slightly, today is the last day and the most dangerous day.

"Uncle, can we fly out on the beast?"

Why can you fly? How tiring to walk, this thorny ground is hard to walk.

"You can give it a try?" Mu Yunxuan replied coldly. The white mist above was poisonous, and they could only go out.

Ningxiang poked her lips, and if she dared to try, she wouldn't have to ask him.

"Be careful, a poisonous ant will appear in this mist array! When you see the ghostly black orchid, you can't touch it at all."

Mu Yunxuan reminded.

"What does the ghostly black orchid look like?"

Ningxiang just asked out.

Mu Yunxuan's footsteps stopped.

"You see, this is the ghostly black orchid. At its roots, some red ants are crawling. Those poisonous ants are highly poisonous and can fly."

Mu Yunxuan pointed to himself in front of him of two large, black flowers that looked like lilies, and the stamens were dark blue.

"If we touch it, we will all die here." Mu Yunxuan finished, and pulled Su Zimo around.

When Feng Ya saw it, the flower was very familiar, and there was also a ghost-like black orchid in the Qinghu tribe, which was very similar to this.

Its blue flower stamen is highly toxic. It can cause blisters to rupture on the face, and the disfigurement is not counted. The poison will infiltrate the human internal organs little by little, and finally the whole body will fester and die.

She clenched her hands, and the more she approached, the more she wanted to pick, but when she saw those **** red ants, her face could not help but slightly change color, and she just resisted the urge to reach out and pick.

Of course, Ling Feng, who understands Feng Ya as a person, is also following Fengya's every move with her eyes.

Just seeing the undisguised viciousness in her eyes, he had already moved his heart.

If she was restraining herself, he could only kill the killer.

Only then, panic sounded in front of them.

"Buzz ..."

Mu Yunxuan heard a bad premonition hit her heart.

"No, someone touched the ghostly black orchid."

"Ah! What then?" Ningxiang knew that the poisonous ant was unusually poisonous. A bite by an ordinary poison ant would cause blisters all over the body, let alone a poisonous ant that feeds on a ghostly black orchid.

Feng Ya couldn't help but stare at Ningxiang, looking at her shocked look, it was really annoying, she looked ugly, and her mouth was very cheap.

Mu Yunxuan half-hung his eyes, standing still without moving.

"Dad, don't we go? If you don't, Dad will let Xiner come down. Dad will be very tired holding Xiner."

Xin'er looked at her father distressedly. She came to see her mother and did not expect to cause any trouble to her mother and father.

"Xin'er is good, dad is not tired at all, but only full of happiness." Mu Yunxuan raised her eyes, looked at Xin'er gently, Xin'er was very sensible, and at the same time she was very disturbed. There is no need for Mo Er to tell him that he can see it.

Xin'er heard it, and smiled sweetly, his little hand gently looped around Mu Yunxuan's neck.

"Xin'er, we are not in a hurry. They were bitten by the poisonous ants. We will be fine after a while.

Mu Yunxuan gently rubbed her soft hair, full of happiness.

Su Zimo was very happy watching the interaction between their father and daughter.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Fengya exclaimed.

Everyone quickly looked back, Mu Yunxuan looked, his face suddenly gloomy.

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