Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"I'm already the fastest."

Huo Yin said aloud, and kept looking back.

"Qi'er, you have blown up the family and all the young people, and now you will not lose your breath even if you eat it."

Huoyin watched the figure getting closer and almost fell.

What a World of Warcraft, the speed is amazing, like lightning, its speed is already very, very fast, why is it about to be caught up.

"Stupid, what are you doing back? Look ahead."

Su Qi looked at a banana tree not far from Huoyin and shouted.

Seeing that he was getting closer to the banana tree, Su Qi stared with wide eyes, sweating coldly on his forehead.

"Oh!" Huo Yin turned her head, and suddenly found herself running into a huge banana tree.


It shouted loudly. On the fast side of the body, Su Qi and the man almost fell down. If Su Qi hadn't prepared for them, they would have fallen.

"Fire silver, if you focus on it, you will kill us."

Su Qi watched and escaped, and breathed a sigh of relief.

He said to himself secretly: Would you like to fight it and give it a try?

A spirit, Su Qi could not help but shocked his thoughts.

He must be crazy and would think about fighting the devil.

But no matter what horrible Warcraft, this Warcraft is trying to find a way to kill, so running away all the time is not the way.

"Little brother, this big one we have never seen before, most likely the young parents." The man calmed down and looked at Su Qi tremblingly.

"What is this Warcraft, haven't you always known?"

Su Qi looked at the men strangely. Since they have lived here for generations, they should know what Warcraft is.

"The ancestors called them cannibalism. Only they are the most abominable and can't be killed here. In recent years, they have been increasing. We continue to migrate backwards. If they continue to force us, we really have no place It's time to go. "The man looked at the huge figure who did not give up with a look of resentment.

Every time I almost want to catch them, but still a little bit.

After a while, Su Qi discovered a more terrifying problem.

It is actually between physical and unreal, and can be switched at will.

And it's faster!

"Ah, it hurts!"

There was a sting in the tail of Fire Silver, and it shook the demon hard. The devil was hurting, and it was much slower.

"Qi'er, think of a way, and run like this, and I will be exhausted."

Su Qi watched the devil meditate without answering, and he naturally knew that running this way would be exhausted.

This demon is illusory, but the essence will not change, that is, the haze of its mysterious condensate.

In this case, let's practice his skills!

After making this decision, Su Qi almost vomited blood.

But still daring to transform Daye God Bow to attack it.

call out……!

Su Qi quickly pulled three Daye God bows.

Six flew out like lightning.

The demon seemed to be in danger.

Quickly dodge to the left!

boom! !! !!

The plantain tree hit by a powerful arrow fell to the ground instantly.

Make a loud noise!

Su Qi did not give up, and he quickly pulled two Daye God bows left and right. After a while, he shot two arrows in the middle again.

"Little Master doesn't believe you can hide away." Su Qi's eyes flickered with a strong killing intention!

If we do n’t kill it today, there is really no way to rescue the older brother.

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