Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Blood Ganoderma?" Su Qi was not calm.

There is actually blood Ganoderma here?

And still the food of those demons.

"Uncle, is there a lot of blood Ganoderma?"

Blood Ganoderma, the holy grail in medicinal herbs!

It is a cruel thing to be eaten by those demons!

"Little brother, the medicinal materials on that mountain can be said to be everywhere, there is black soil there, and there is plenty of mystery, and there are everywhere.

Hearing the words of the man, Su Qi was so excited that his liver was shaking!

The tree was covered with blood Ganoderma lucidum, and it was very tempting to listen to it!

Su Qi was thinking quickly.

After a while, he controlled his excitement and asked, "Uncle, if I help you kill those demons, can you give me some of the blood Ganoderma lucidum? I am an alchemist and I really like collecting These herbs. "

The man looked at Su Qi and heard that he was an alchemist, slightly surprised!

There are only two alchemists in their clan.

Watching the man silent without answering.

Su Qi's excited heart was lost instantly.

Isn't it just a little bit?

It was full of trees, even if he was given a tree!

"Uncle, can't you?"

Su Qi's bright big eyes were faint.

Looking at Su Qi's sudden dim eyes, the man suddenly smiled, and the wheat-colored skin looked a little thick.

"If the little boy likes it, all can be taken away. Those trees are born with blood Ganoderma lucidum. As soon as they are free, they will grow quickly.

As soon as he heard it, Su Qi was as if he had beaten chicken blood, and his spirits were refreshed, and his liver jumped up again.

"Uncle, do you want to talk?"

You can take them all!


He Su Qi became rich overnight!

If all the Ganoderma lucidum in the mountain was taken away by him, he would be richer than his aging mother.


Not far away, there was a fight!

Su Qi and the man quickly looked over.

Not far away is a mountain village where the demons are attacking the people in the village.

There was a flash of fear and terror on the man's face, and he yelled lowly, "Those demons have attacked our people."

"Fire spirit, fast!" Su Qi urged.

"It's the fastest!"

For the first time, Huo Yin felt that he could have such a fast speed.

Closer, Su Qi saw Ten Color Light and his brother's Xuan Guang. He smiled, and his brother and Uncle Yong Yi were all right.

If the mother-in-law is also present, the mother-in-law will be very excited at this moment.

Don't seduce for charming beauty!

Do not linger in the face of fear!

This is what my mother said to them.

I don't know what's going on. In recent days, I always miss my mother.

What my mother said always came out involuntarily.

The older and louder the fighting sounds, Su Qi returned to his mind in an instant.

"Fire silver, burn them."

"Okay! Look at me."

Su Qi's small figure quickly flew to the huge snake head standing on Firesilver.

That person and a snake were beautiful and gorgeous, so that those in the clan who were hiding in the room could not move their eyes.

At the same time, Su Qi summoned the fire spirit again.

Watching the demon rushing from all directions.

Su Qi directs the fire spirit and fire silver to burn the demon.

Instantly, two different flame colors are magnificent!

The passing fire is like a gorgeous firework, with a thrilling color in the thumping.

Su Qu saw that fire is indeed a good way!

These demons are shaped like flowers. After killing, as long as those tentacles touch each other, the body will quickly come back to life.

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