Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1728: : She fights death every day

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Su Zimo went to the bed and looked at the daughter on the bed distressed.

"Yunxuan, did Xiner never wake up tonight?"

Mu Yunxuan went to her and shook her head.

"No, I slept all night."

As soon as this word came out, Su Zimo couldn't bear it, and his tears almost fell.

"Xin'er's bones are just a little better, and in this toss, I'm really afraid that her disease will come back." After all, the disease was brought out from the mother's womb. Su Zimo never really felt relieved.

"Moer, Xinerji people have their own heavens, nothing will happen, Xiner can overcome the disease every time, and it will also in the future, because Xiner has one of the world's most loved mothers." Mu Yunxuan Comfort her.

After a while, Ming Yuexuan's yard remembered the messy footsteps.

Ningxiang rushed in first and said sharply, "Aunt, you're finally back. Xianger has been worried all night."

Seeing her aunt safe and sound, she was relieved instantly.

Su Zimo's glance toward Ningxiang was slightly warm, and Ningxiang's heart warmed since the change.

"I think you have a little conscience. If you sleep for one night, your aunt should be sad."

"Hum, Aunt will bury Tiexianger." Ningxiang complained and looked at her.

"Mo Mo, did you really get Dragon Soul Grass?"

Nian Feiyu looked at her excitedly.

"Huh!" Su Zimo nodded happily and handed a dragon soul grass to Fei Ling.

"Hida, please help Xiner detoxify."

"Momo, you are so kind, you all go out, you will come in after I detoxify Xiner."

Everyone listened and went outside.

At this time, He Yunting, who finally came over, saw Su Zimo and began to complain.

"Mo Mo, you have just returned and I haven't even met you. Why did you get involved?"

Su Zimo raised an eyebrow at him.

"You think I think, don't even talk about it. I haven't eaten for two meals. Hurry up and let the kitchen prepare some delicious food for me."

He Yunting likes to hang out with Su Zimo, but he is also eye-catching. After complaining about his stomach, he did not continue to say that he could see that Mo Mo was tired.

"Qing Lian, go!"

He Yunting turned back and ordered Qing Lian.

Qinglian turned quickly and left.

She has been waiting to be cooked over the kitchen.

"Yunting, what happened to Liujiacun?"

He Yunting looked at the expectations that flowed from her eyebrows.

He nodded with a smile. "According to your plan, everything is proceeding in an orderly way. With me, you don't need to worry."

He Yunting looked at her distressedly. Other women with status and status enjoyed the clothes to reach out, and the day when food came to her mouth, she was fighting the death every day.

He remembered that the year's appointment was about to come, and his heart was getting more and more worried.

"Yun Ting, I'm assured of you." Su Zimo looked at him with a smile.

Even after she applied the death spell in the future, Yunting was there, she could safely give him the Moon Moon Villa.

"By the way, Yun Ting, take the time to take a look at Qinglian's dowry. If there is anything else for Qinglian? You have to add them, and you must let Qinglian get married in a beautiful scenery.

"Well, you don't have to worry about Qinglian, I will arrange it."

He Yunting looked at her with a smile, knowing that she treated Qinglian and Qinghe like her sisters and sisters in the dowry.

Su Zimo nodded, and suddenly found that she had a lot to tell.

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