Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Poisoning, that was his best.

The old woman dared to poison him, and he let her taste his power.

Su Qi joyfully took out the poison.

A scream!

Mage Ou's thin body fell into a pool of blood.

Su Qi looked at it, and the smile at the corner of her mouth instantly solidified, her nose wrinkled tightly.

He hurried over, "My dear, why did you kill her? Qi Er hasn't played enough."

Su Zimo looked at him displeasedly, "I haven't played enough, I almost finished my life, you just don't have a long memory, and you always take your mother's words as your ear."

Su Zimo walked over and patted him on the bottom.

"Mother-in-law, didn't this happen to her without knowing it?" He didn't want to be poisoned by anyone!

"If you could detect it, would you still be tied to this stake?"

Su Zimo glanced at him and walked to Su Li's side.

Picking up Su Qu, she said distressedly, "Ouch! Has your mother's baby been injured?"

Su Qi glanced at the corners of his mouth, and he felt that he was eccentric.

"Mother-in-law, Lier wasn't injured. It's mother-in-law. Why did you and Dad come so fast?"

Upon hearing this, Su Zimo smiled proudly, "Lier, my mother can freely transform the spirit and soul. Now my mother can go wherever she wants, but it is a crystal ball faster than your grandpa Mo."

"Will that mother-in-law be harmed in the future?"

Su Li was worried that her mother would be injured.

"No, just someone stabs a sword at the mother's chest, and the mother will not die."

Su Zimo knew how worried his son was about her.

At this moment, Mu Yunxuan turned around, and the four beasts had killed all the men in black.

Mu Yunxuan quickly took them back to Dantian, and the powerful lineup made people look envious.

Demon Rong walked to Su Zimo's side and was blessed.

"Thank you! Help me to kill Mage Ou Yan, she has always been a hidden danger for our Jiuding people."

Su Zimo Guanghua smiled, "The patriarch is very polite, and I am just for the sake of my sons."

"My dear, father, this is Uncle Yong Yi." Su Qi pulled Uncle Yong Yi to introduce.

"Good two!" Yong Yi smiled and nodded at Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan.

"Yongyi son is good!"

Su Zimo doesn't need to guess and knows that this guy Qier wants to take back to Mingyue Villa.

Fiercely, Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan looked into the Blood Sea at the same time.

Su Zimo quickly put down Su oak.

"Lier, take Qier back."

Having said that, Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan's bodies rushed to the **** sea.

"Bang!" The ice surface was broken by a strong coercion.

"Roar!" The roar of a blood-red unicorn beast spreads across the wild, like the advent of the mighty majesty, the mountains and the sea collapse.

Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan quickly attacked the unicorn beast.

"Sister, isn't this the blood **** in this **** sea?"

Su Qi looked at the shocking scene.

"Yes, it's fierce and very clever. We have thought of various ways to deal with it, but we have never succeeded. Those bones are the ones that I have transformed with mysterious spirit to suppress it. It has not appeared for many years . "

The demon's eyes fixed on the huge blood-red figure.

It was a dozen battles high, and the blood-red scales shone red in the setting sun.

It's daunting to look at!

"Oh!" Xuan Bingxue and Su Zimo's hands collided with the scales on the unicorn beast, making a loud noise.

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