Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1752: : How could it be a gentleman

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Mo Er." Mu Yunxuan looked at his empty palms.

No one has seen how Su Zimo disappeared in place.

This happened quickly.

Really weird!

The atmosphere in the audience was extremely tense.

Who knows what will happen next?

What surprised them most was Su Zimo's sudden disappearance.

Murong Shao Feng next to Luo Fan suddenly got up.

But Luo Fan quickly stopped, if Shao Feng appeared.

A gentleman will curse even worse.

They now have to wait and see.

"My dear, my dear ..."

Xin'er watched his mother suddenly disappear, and her eyes were red, and there was a mist of water in her bright eyes.

"Xin'er, don't be afraid! Your mother will be fine." He Yunting was very worried, but Momo suddenly disappeared. It was really strange.

Why did Momo suddenly disappear.

"Mo Er." Mu Yunxuan closed her eyes quickly, and her soul swept through every corner of the audience.

Opening his eyes sharply, he walked quickly in front of himself.

Mo Er is still here, there is her breath here, there is a faint another breath.

Mu Langyu, Mu Yunxuan quickly discovered the breath of Mu Langyu.

"Brother." Mu Yunhan had just finished his work, and Qingfeng rushed over to tell him what happened here.

He didn't expect his mother-in-law to abusive Dasao in the presence of so many people.

And Su Zimo was dragged into a narrow enchantment.

Looking at the white expanse, Su Zimo's face was cold.

She whispered, "Come out."

Fiercely, a man in black held a sword in his hand and stabbed straight from her back.

Su Zimo felt the movement behind her and quickly turned Xuan Bingxue into a silver long sword.

Turning around, the man in black stabbed behind him.

Inside the Xiaoxiao Temple.

"call out……!"

The sound of sharp arrows breaking through came from outside.

Mu Yunxuan quickly burst into a golden light.

"Well!" Mu Yunxuan's repair of three sharp arrows shook into a pillar not far from him.

Everyone saw it, panic-stricken. For fun, they liked to watch it, but if their lives were lost, it would be worthless.

at the same time!

"Ah!" Only the gentleman screamed!

Xuan Bingxue's silver sword phantomized from Su Zimo's hand pierced the gentleman's chest deeply.

Su Zimo saw the gentleman in his stab, and suddenly let go of the silver sword in his hand.

"Xi'er." Mu Yanfeng hugged the gentleman with Qiyousiru in pain.

Eyes are full of fear!

This is not the case. She was just fighting the man in the black robe. The man she stabbed was the man in black. How could it be a gentleman.

How could he suddenly become a gentleman.



Su Zimo shook his head in pain.

At the same time, the Wu people were in the forbidden area.


Geng Leyu spit out blood.

Look at Tian Wuli again.

She smiled with a bright smile.

Today they think of going together.

Although that sword lifted control of the gentleman.

But that sword was enough to break the relationship between Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan.

"Su Zimo, my wife just scolded you casually. Did you kill your wife? I returned to Yuncheng a few days ago, and my wife also said that I would admit you to be your daughter-in-law. How can you ...?

Suddenly Mu Langyu broke into the temple and looked at Su Zimo sternly.

Su Zimo's consciousness moved slightly, her familiar breath made her eyes flicker.

"It's you." Su Zimo said the words very seriously.

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