Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1758: : The gentleman is still hopeful

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Miss is very kind, and kind as before, with my daughter and two grandchildren in the cave. If Miss returns to the Muta clan, she must take them home."

She has exhausted her life, and she is a waste even if she is alive.

But even after exhausting her lifelong practice, she still failed to protect her people.

"No, Long Po, you believe in Mo Er, Mo Er won't let you die, you're just exhausted."

"No, miss, you can't waste your drop-by-drop cultivation. The last sperm of the patriarch has been taken away, which means that someone has saved the patriarch and you can reunite with your mother and son later."

Su Zimo's eyes were dim!

It was Mu Langyu, did he really rescue Mu Xinyan?

Su Zimo turned quickly behind Long Po.

Cultivate oneself into Long Po's body.

"No, miss, you can't do this. The person you're facing now is Geng Leyu of the Wu tribe. Fight her, and then you will be wounded, or you will have no place to die. You ca n’t waste your cultivation. "

How could Su Zimo watch her die.

Without the clan, she has her daughter and two grandchildren.

She is in love, why should she die?

If she were to live, she would also be with her loved ones.

"Long Po, don't talk, change my practice, what does this practice mean to me?"

After half a column of incense, Su Zimo slowly opened her eyes.

There is no paleness on the beautiful face, some are just the pain of heartbreaking!

Confused, Su Zimo picked up a few rosewing flowers and took out a blood Ganoderma.

"Huoyan." Huoyan appeared in front of Su Zimo instantly.

"Return to the original shape, I need you to help me make elixir."

"it is good!"

Huoyan quickly turned into a furnace, and Su Zimo put all the herbs in it.

The bottom of the Dan furnace was instantly burning.

After a cup of tea, four red seductive and fragrant elixir appeared in the Dan furnace.

Su Zimo sucked it out with mysterious air and put one in Long Po's mouth.

Long Po instantly felt refreshed, she thought she was going to die, but did not expect that the next moment she was in full spirit.

"Miss, this is simply incredible."

Long Po looked at Su Zimo in surprise.

Su Zimo smiled, "It is the millennium blood Ganoderma lucidum and my rosemary wing collected in the psychedelic forest. They are the holy medicine in the herbs."

Huoyan turned back into a human form, and looked at Su Zimo with some worry.

"Mo Mo, are you planning to go to Wu Clan?"

Su Zimo heard it and looked at him fiercely.

He nodded hard, "Hot fire, I must go, I can't wait until he strikes Lier. If he strikes Lier, I will regret it forever, and I will suffer forever."

After listening to the fire, he nodded quickly, but if something happened to her, many people would suffer for a lifetime and regret it for life.

"Okay, we're all going with you. The repair of the Ice Crystal Dragon Warcraft has been restored. Nine of us will always accompany you to the end."

"Thank you, fire."

Huoyao smiled for the glorious age, a big red robe in the cold wind like a demon-like fairy, Ben Junyi's face was even more luminous.

Su Zimo took him back to Dantian.

She doesn't have much time, she still has to save the gentleman.

On the way to Yulong Village, she saved the gentleman's soul with the dragon feather left by her mother.

Now that the elixir of blood Ganoderma is refined, the gentleman Xisheng is still hopeful.

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