Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1772: : Island owner, outsiders break in

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

In the setting sun, there is an island floating in the sea. The island looks at the mountains and rivers, and it is just a paradise on earth.

The colorful shells on the beach sparkle with dazzling light, adding a little beautiful notes to this quiet beach!

In the middle of the island, in the lush woods, an antique house is unique!

Under the eaves, a series of beautiful shells emit colorful light in the sunset.

The sea breeze blew, making a clear and pleasant sound.

In a luxurious courtyard, a middle-aged man closed his eyes on a rocking chair in the courtyard.

A gray-clad man hurried in.

"Island owner, an outsider broke in."

The middle-aged man opened his eyes fiercely. A pair of deep and sharp eyes were daunting!

"Are you sure." A loud voice made a strong penetration.

The gray man heard the words, his body stunned!

"Island owner, Hai Qing naturally will not make fun of this kind of thing."

"Oh!" The island owner slowly got up, his tall back was aggressive in the sunset!

"Since it's here, there are people who are destined to go and get their boat to the island."

Hai Qing raised her eyes and glanced at the owner of the island. She said, "Island owner, they didn't come by boat, they came on a black dragon."

What made him even more surprised was that there were three people sitting on the black dragon, two of them were children.

The islander's eyes flickered, his face thoughtfully.

After a while, he said quietly, "In this case, the owner of the island will go and see for himself."

Hai Qing heard and quickly led the way.

Came to the beach and saw Su Qi they were about to land.

At the first glance, the island owner sent a strong coercion to them, and the immense momentum came straight down.

Su Qu's face quickly flashed a killing.

Looking sharply at the past, he quickly released his cultivation to resist this mighty coercion. Su Li held his head upright, and dared to look at the island owner not far away.

The island owner felt the coercion of the rebound and smiled, "This child's cultivation is quite amazing."

Having said that, the coercion of the island's owner did not decrease at all, and the momentum even broke out directly. Everything nearby felt. The residents of the island were shocked by this strong coercion. Come and watch.

Su Qu was cold, ignoring the coercion of the island owner and the proximity of nearby residents.

Su Qi knew the power of coercion. He quickly released his coercion. The two brothers joined hands, and the island owner felt a little hard to resist for an instant.

Could not help, he looked at the brothers in surprise.

Su Qi said coldly, "We broke into this place by accident and didn't want to cause any harm here."

Su Qi could not have imagined, but was found just after landing.

Moreover, they were directly suppressed by the coercion of the other party. It seems that the residents of this island cannot be underestimated!

"Haha ...!"

The island owner burst into laughter.

That hearty laughter sounded like an upright person.

"Two little brothers, I did not expect your cultivation to be so special. If you fight, the owner of this island may not be your opponent. How about we fight?" Then, the island owner's eyes shot with excitement.

Quietly smiled at Su Qi and Su Qu.

He originally thought that the man's cultivation would exceed his imagination.

But a glance revealed that the cultivation of these two children was actually higher than that of men.

"A fight!" Su Qi frowned.

Very unwilling!

This can get along peacefully, why have to fight?

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