Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1781: : This battle is more fortunate

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!


Hongyan is actually very scared of death. It is not easy for her to live to this age.

She has dedicated her life to the patriarch and has never lived for herself.

"Shut up!" Geng Leyu quickly repaired himself to walk around the body.

Opening his eyes fiercely, a pair of blood-red eyes made Hong Yan step back in horror.

"Clan, patriarch, have you practiced forbidden surgery?"

Hong Yan was so divided that she wanted to get out.

Geng Leyu stood up, and a sense of fear came from her body.

The wickedness in her body made people dare not look directly, the ice cave was already cold.

Hongyan also knew if she was shaking with cold or scared.

Geng Leyu's red eyes swept across Hongyan coldly.

There was an evil spirit in the cold voice: "At this age, I don't know how to be more stable and panic-stricken! I am not afraid that they will come, I am afraid they will not come."

It's just a matter of overnight training.

Becoming a demon is just an instant thing.

"Su Zimo, Mu Yunxuan come! This seat is in a good mood, so you can have a companion on Huangquan Road." Geng Leyu's crazy voice was deafening in the ice cave!

The unwillingness and resentment between the words can't help Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan shatter corpses!

Hong Yan was somewhat baffled by her.

The patriarch may have been overly sad, but the essence of Su Zimo can control the evil forces.

Hongyan thought about it, and summoned her courage to say, "Patriarch, don't you say that Su Zimo's sperm can control evil forces? The patriarch practiced magic ...

"Shut up, Hongyan, you can die, you really can die, you are an idiot, stupid!" Geng Leyu couldn't help cursing.

Hongyan took a few steps back quickly and did not dare to talk too much!

Geng Leyu narrowed her eyes dangerously. No one will offend me. I will not offend. If she offends me, she will never be soft-hearted.

"Hong Yan, immediately prepare the wizards and elders. As long as Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan die, a Murong Shao Feng, he does not have the ability to block the path of this seat."

When Hongyan heard it, she was stunned. Does the patriarch really want to play against Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan?

I'm afraid that this war is too good and bad!

"Come on, what are you doing?"

Seeing Hongyan still, Geng Leyu growled angrily.

Hong Yan went out quickly, knowing in her heart that the patriarch now only wanted to fight Mu Yunxuan and Su Zimo, and it was impossible to care about everything of the Wu tribe.

The next day, Su Qi and Su Qu got up early.

The two brothers were very happy because they were going back.

The two brothers went to the morning market early in the morning, bought some fish and shrimp, put them in the ring of space, and brought them back to their mothers to eat.

On the way back, Su Qi was very happy.

"Brother, my mother will be very happy when I go back this time. We will never leave my mother again."

"Huh!" Su Li nodded with a smile!

They were with their mother, and the mother was happy, and they were happy.

In Yuncheng!

Ye Qinghan walked quickly to the Yunxiao Temple.

Mu Yunhan and Mu Yanfeng were still immersed in the pain of losing the gentleman.

Mo Yuntian and Mu Xinyan were playing with Xiner.

"Yun Han, there is news. Your elder brother came back and said that Mo Mo has rescued his wife. The wife likes the Muta people and plans to stay with the Muta people for a few days before returning.

Mu Yunhan, Mu Yunyu, Mu Yunfeng heard, the mood of the haze disappeared instantly.

Mu Yunhan hurried to Ye Qinghan's side.

"Qing Han, what you said is true, is my mother really okay?"

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