Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 2026: : The most powerful weapon

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"When loving the city owner, the city owner doesn't like to hear about other people's affairs, he just wants to concentrate on doing his own thing." The city owner's voice was slightly punishing the woman.

The woman hummed and did not answer.

Su Zimo was speechless. Looking at the six men not far away, he actually ran four. Su Zimo looked at it, and a wicked smile aroused in the corner of his mouth.

Will the next two also run away?

Things are like flipping books, as Su Zimo expected as smooth.

Immediately afterwards, the woman's charming voice became louder and louder, and the two remaining men could no longer hold back.

The woman's crazy screams have become the most powerful weapon tonight.

Do n’t do it now, when do you wait?

Su Zimo's figure moved quickly.

She does not need to open the door. Since she has cultivated, her body can freely imitate the wings of Rosemary, and with the idea, she can transform into an adult form.

The night before, she found such a good thing after practicing the peak of the Holy Xuan Period.

She was a little overwhelmed with excitement, and being a ghost could get a lot of benefits.

Her red figure quickly turned into a rosette and climbed through the window.

That speed is fast, but there is no sound at all.

Su Zimo landed and quickly turned into a human form.

Looking up and down himself, Su Zimo is satisfied with this state.

She is a soul, and she can also refer to the ring of contract space, so she has cultivated spiritual space, which is now only as large as ten square meters.

Raising her eyes, Mei Yan glanced quickly at the room.

There were only four candles on the candlestick not far away, and the room was a little dark.

Su Zimo knows that there will not be hidden Tianling Xuanpo Stone here, there must be a dark grid here.

In such places, poisonous corpses and dead corpses will appear in the locker room.

Su Zimo came out of the gods and was cautious.

Tonight you must retreat silently, otherwise the next thing will be difficult.

Lords in other cities will be more cautious.

Wait, Su Zimo heard it at a wall, and there was movement.

Su Zimo took a few steps to get over there and heard some gurgling sounds, like the sound of a baby.

Su Zimo glanced suspiciously at the wall and determined that the sound came from inside. Su Zimo approached the progress again and determined the source of the sound again.

There should be a dark grid here, and Su Zimo quickly looked for the institution that opened the dark grid around.

These three continents are all composed of a city or a town, and there are few villages. Generally, the main government house like this, the institution is near the wall.

Su Zimo searched for a while, strange, why not?

Su Zimo shifted her gaze to the surrounding objects.

In front of it was a large basin of dripping Guanyin.

It's almost as tall as Su Zimo, and it's beautiful and pretty, next to it is a desk.

Su Zimo wandered slightly in place and locked her eyes on these two objects. She knew that the authorities would never be too far away.

She crouched slightly, carefully watching the dripping Guanyin, showing signs of movement.

Su Zimo quickly followed the traces, and sure enough, a stone door on the wall slowly rose.

Su Zimo strode in, and an unpleasant odor made Su Zimo frown, and her steps slowed down involuntarily.

There was no such thing as the drug lord and the human lord who Su Zimo thought.

There are a lot of treasure boxes on the aisle. So many treasure boxes, which one will have the Tianling Xuanpo Stone?

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