Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 2077: : How terrible it will become

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

When he first met him, he identified her at a glance.

"Mo Er, you know, everything about you can understand my eyes."

He said passionately, his eyes half-squint, and a slight breath of danger.

I heard that Su Zimo didn't say anything, how terrible this person would become in his own heart!

Su Zimo suddenly warned: "Mu Yunxuan, if you are like this, it is best not to say it, you also know my character."

As soon as he heard it, he smiled casually, and his words touched the heart: "Mor, do you think you can escape in this life?"

"What do you think?" She smiled strangely, and still could do it if she wanted to.

"I don't think it's possible?" She is his best life. As long as he is there, she can't leave his sight.

When in the World of Warcraft, as Jane Mo, she often noisy to go home to see her father and mother.

As Su Zimo now, he can only be happy in his arms.

Like his bone marrow, she has been deeply embedded in his body, and it is deeper and deeper!

He has nothing in his life right now, as long as he can keep abreast with her in his arms, that is his happiest thing.

"You can try it. For Su Zimo, there is a set of ways to run." Su Zimo's eyes were playful and provocative.

"Mo Er, it's really not a good thing for you to talk like this in my arms." Mu Yunxuan shaved her Qiong nose petily.

"Mu Yunxuan, am I in the arms of my beloved one, and I still have to speak carefully, keep silent?"

Su Zimo raised an eyebrow at him, but she didn't say a word.

Someone will have a secret, everything will be seen through him, let her find superiority.

"It doesn't have to be this way. When I'm afraid, you leave me alone and let me find it. You must always be in my sight." Mu Yunxuan demanded her arrogantly.

"Yunxuan, doing things without mind is like fish losing water and the lack of color in the picture, which will cause many bumps in our lives. The mind is not a conspiracy, it is not the use of unclear means for the purpose, but It ’s just the skills you need to do things, how can you think of it like this? The trousers can be corrected if they are misaligned. If the person ’s thinking is misaligned, it is impossible for nine cows to pull it. Back. "Su Zimo felt that she should popularize the most basic knowledge with him, otherwise she would be sad.

Watching her speak well, his smile became more and more evil.

She often makes some extraordinary remarks, but he also likes to listen.

"Mo Er, I know what you mean, but ..."

Suddenly, Mu Yunxuan felt something was wrong.

Su Zimo also felt it.

In the air, a silvery white light seemed to drown the land at a rapid speed.

"Yunxuan, what's going on?"

Su Zimo looked down, they were still on the sea.

Mu Yunxuan's soul came out quickly.

Suddenly, his eyes seemed as cold as ice, revealing the endless killing intention.

Immediately afterwards, a melodious piano sound came, this time not from one place, but from all directions.

Su Zimo's beautiful tolerance gradually became infected with pain.

The piano sounds faster and faster!

Su Zimo's eyes suddenly suppressed deep pain.

"Ah ...!" Su Zimo couldn't help but screamed in the sky.

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