Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Little beauty, if I don't let it?" That first time Chen Gongzi saw such a beautiful woman, he would not give up easily.

The coldness in Xiner's eyes instantly turned into anger.

"Bai Xue." Xin'er called gently.

Who knows, Xueling Fox, who looks beautiful and docile, has a soft and elegant tail that immediately pulls up Chen Gongzi and slams it into the grass.

"Ah!" When Chen Gongzi didn't respond, he felt that his whole body's bones were broken.

The other two brothers also watched, scared and trembling, looking at Xueling Fox, nervous and scared to give way.

Not far away, a man in black suddenly flew out, looking at the long sword in his hand, he was about to stab Chen Gongzi in an instant.

Xiner shouted quickly: "Shadow, stop."

Upon hearing the film, the man in his hand would give a slight meal, but stabbed a sword at the shoulder of Chen Gongzi, but it would not kill him.

"Ah!" Chen Gongzi screamed, completely fainted.

Many people on the pipeline stopped to look at everything in front of them, and looked at Xiner's eyes more curiously.

Xin Er saw that she didn't speak, and Ying Ying could not explain to her father. They were very central to her father.

Then he slowly walked to Xiner and shouted respectfully: "Miss."

"Ying, go back and tell my father and mother-in-law, I will go back after three months."

"Miss, the master instructed that she would not take the girl back, and that the movie would protect her safety during the whole process." After that, Ying quickly flew away.

Xin Er smiled for a moment, and she knew that her father felt the most pain.

"Bai Xue, let's go." Xin'er was instantly happy.

During this time, she has to play happily. As for the relationship between her and Yue brother, she may know what to do when she returns.

Some things, when it is time to strive, she will also strive hard, but she understands a truth, and emotional things are not something you can get, even if there is no success, but it will not carry a lifetime of regret .

Xueling Fox is fast and quickly surpasses many carriages.

Xin Er didn't care about the curious eyes around him, nor did he care about the Chen Gongzi who passed out in the grass.

At this moment she was flying so that she would not go back with regret.

At first glance, the man let the driver go quickly, and the beautiful scenery was not as beautiful as the smile just now.

In the evening, Xiner went to a small town.

The town is quite big. She didn't pay attention to the name of the town. On the streets where people come and go, the assortment of goods can make people feel dazzled.

Xin'er looked at the surrounding buildings, they are relatively old, and the people here are not too rich.

But in this small town, it feels very peaceful. Xiner turned around on the street, went to a nice restaurant, and after dinner, she planned to return to the space to rest.

The business in the restaurant was very good. As soon as Xin Er entered the house, Xiao Er welcomed him charmingly.

"Miss, do you want to eat or be sharp?"

"Eat." Xin'er looked at the table and had no place.

She asked Xiao Er: "The second floor guest still has a place, or is it a private room?"

"Miss, if you are alone, the location on the second floor is near the window, the location is good." Xiao Er looked at the beautiful Xiner, his voice respectful and gentle.

Xin'er heard it and walked upstairs quickly.

Seeing the second child, thousands quickly lead the way.

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