Ghost Slayer: From taking care of Tanjuro's wife and daughter

Chapter Forty: What It's Like To Like Someone

snow capped mountains

rugged mountain road

The road is not easy to walk.

Tanjirou is already looking in another direction, and Su Mu is also looking in one direction.

It's just that the mountains and fields are vast, and if a person really wants to hide and find them, it is extremely difficult.

"If I were Nezuko, where would I be right now?"

Su Mu murmured, thinking silently.

Soon, as if thinking of something, his eyes lit up, and he walked quickly in one direction.

Soon, Su Mu came to the place where Kamado Tanjuro was buried.

glance around

Soon, Su Mu found a small figure squatting in front of Tan Juro's tombstone.

The girl was wearing simple clothes, squatting there with her knees curled up, her face buried in her knees, and it was clear that the girl's immature shoulders twitched slightly from time to time.

Su Mu walked forward slowly, and the closer she got, the softer the girl's weeping voice became clearer.

Su Mu came to Nezuko's side, just patted Nezuko's shoulder, and softly shouted: "Nezuko, go home."

Nezuko's head was still buried in his knees, and he was curled up, still immersed in his own sadness.

Seeing this scene, Su Mu didn't say anything, but squatted down beside Nezuko, looking at Tanjuro's tombstone in front of him.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are inescapable and unavoidable things for human beings. Everyone will get sick, grow old, and finally die. I am like this, and Nezuko will be the same, and will eventually leave this world..."

The wind was still blowing, blowing on the person's body, slightly cold, with biting cold.

Nezuko raised his head at some point and looked at Su Mu, with sadness hidden in his eyes: "So, uncle, are human beings really sad, a very sad creature."

Su Mu stretched out her hand, stroked the head of the girl who was immersed in sadness and confusion, and said softly: "Humans are not sad. Humans will experience birth, old age, sickness and death, but these are not necessarily sorrows. No matter birth, old age, sickness or death, it is human beings. The beauty of such a fragile creature is precisely because it will age and disappear, so people are so lovely and noble."

"Because something has passed away, we will cherish the beauty that already exists."

"It is precisely because of our fragility that we gather together, talk together, and share sorrow together..."

Nezuko listened quietly, but couldn't understand all of these words, but felt the uncle's concern for him in these words.

"Uncle, will you share the sorrow with me?"

Nezuko couldn't help asking.


Su Mu nodded: "Not only me, but also Nezuko's mother, Tanjirou, Hanako, Takeo, Shigeru, and Liutai, will share the sadness with Nezuko. Everyone sees Nezuko so sad, and everyone is very sad. Everyone cares about you. .”

"Everyone is at home waiting for Nezuko to come home."

"Everyone is worried about Nezuko."

Su Mu said softly.

Nezuko couldn't help lowering his head when he heard this: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made everyone worry."

Su Mu patted Nezuko's head lightly, and said softly, "I'm sorry! Everyone is only worried about Nezuko."

"Okay, don't stay here anymore, it's so cold, if you stay any longer, your body will freeze to death."


Nezuko nodded heavily, and was about to stand up, but maybe he squatted for too long, and in this cold day, his legs and feet were already numb. Not only did he not stand up, but he almost fell down.

Su Mu hastily stretched out his hand and grabbed Nezuko, only to avoid the fate of Nezuko being thrown down.

"I'll go behind your back."

Su Mu said softly.

"Uncle, no need, I'll be able to walk after I rest for a while."

Nezuko said in a low voice, but Su Mu had already bent slightly with his back to Nezuko.

"Come up."

he urged.

Nezuko hesitated slightly, and finally stretched out his little hand and wrapped it around the uncle's neck.

Su Mu didn't get up until Nezuko held onto his hands.

Walking on the road in the mountains, the cold wind was blowing, and the person's cheeks hurt when it was blowing. Nezuko instinctively leaned his cheeks on the uncle's back.

A slight warmth spread from the back to the cheeks, making the cold face seem warm.

"Father used to carry me like uncle."

Nezuko said softly.

Su Mu doesn't speak.

After Nezuko said this, he was also silent for a while, but pressed his face deeper on the uncle's back, and tears dripped from the corners of his eyes, and fell on his back, wet, representing the girl's sad feelings.

"Being carried by uncle like this is the same as being carried by father."

Nezuko said softly.

"Then Nezuko will treat me as a father."

Su Mu said softly.

"No, uncle."

Su Mu smiled, but didn't care.



"Ask you a question."


"Is uncle so gentle to every girl?"

"There will be fierce times."

He put on a savage look.

"It's not fierce at all, uncle."

The corner of Nezuko's mouth curled up and he muttered, then, he wrapped his arms around Su Mu's neck tightly:

"In the future, it would be great if Nezuko could find a gentle husband like Uncle."



PS: I just woke up

I want to sleep in for a while

but swiped the phone

see background data

rubbed his eyes

Immediately broke out in a cold sweat

Where dare to sleep.

Don't dare to sleep anymore.




I just went back to the little black room and tried my best to write out the chapter of adding more as soon as possible.

Before writing the chapters that have been updated.

I will not watch dramas, travel, or get sick. I will not play games. I will change code words. Life and death are like this.

i will be the keyboard in the dark

Guardians of the Great Wall

against the cold flames

light at dawn

I dedicate my life and glory to codewords.

so tonight

Every night.

(Sisters, brothers, wait for me for a while, when I finish writing this chapter, we are out of this small black room, we are playing games, let’s play again, and go to have fun again.)

Happy reading every day during Spring Festival in the Year of the Rabbit! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity period: January 21st to February 5th)

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