Ghost Slayer: From taking care of Tanjuro's wife and daughter

Chapter 431: What I Once Wanted To Protect No Longer Exists

Memories that once belonged to humans echoed in ‘Akaza’s’ mind, memories that he had long forgotten.

At this moment, these memories flooded into his mind like a tide.

When he was still a human being, his youth was miserable, and he only had his father as a relative. To buy medicine for his father who was seriously ill and bedridden, he had to do everything he could to buy medicine for his father who was seriously ill and bedridden. In the end, he embarked on the road of theft.

Although he suffered a lot of beatings because of the theft, he felt that everything was worth it if his father could see a doctor.

After all, at that time, his father was his only relative.

But his only relative eventually left him.

Akaza remembers that day clearly.

That day, he had just been released by the government. A resident who knew him said to him:

"Komaji, your father heard that you were arrested by the government for stealing and hanged yourself."

‘Akaza’ clearly remembers the feeling of that day, which was more suffocating than the cruel reality of the beating he received.

When he returned home, all he saw was his father's hanging body and a suicide note placed on the table.

At that moment, it seemed as if the whole world collapsed.

At that time, he did not understand, nor was he willing, nor did he feel that there was anything wrong with his stealing. Could it be that, without stealing, he would be able to buy medicine for his father? If he did not resist, would a poor man like him be qualified to live to this day? this world.

‘Akaza’ knew that his father chose to commit suicide so that he would no longer steal, stop dragging him down, and let him be a good person.

Choose suicide to end your life.

But for ‘Akaza’, he doesn’t think there is anything wrong with him working hard to save his father, and even doing whatever it takes to do so.

But his father finally committed suicide and ended his life as an apology.

Thinking about it carefully, Akaza felt that what drove him to death was the ugly world where the rich did whatever they wanted, but the poor were not even allowed to live.

This anger suppressed him, and when he met seven more rich people who came to trouble him, he could no longer bear the anger in his heart and beat these seven people severely.

But it is a pity that he is very strong, but one person can defeat two, three, but not seven. In the end, he was severely beaten by these seven rich men.

At this time, he met Master Qingzang, who not only saved him, but also showed his strength in front of him, so he was brought back to the Suliu Dojo by Master Qing.

In the Soryu Dojo, there was actually no other sect, only Master Keizang. Later, 'Akaza' learned that Master Keizang had no ability in the past and caused his wife and daughter to suffer a lot. His wife even committed suicide by drowning not long ago. He has to go out to work to maintain his livelihood and run the ashram, but he is unable to take care of his sick daughter.

‘Akaza’ feels that as a prisoner and a very evil person in the eyes of others, the master should not leave his daughter to his care.

But Master Qingzang believed in himself.

Looking at the sick master's daughter, 'Akaza' discovered that the other party had a very similar experience to his father. In order to prevent the tragedy that happened to him from happening again to this girl, 'Akaza' decided to stay in the dojo and take care of the other party.

While taking care of the other person, he said the other person's name was Lianxue.

It was the first time that he took care of a girl so tenderly.

He didn't know that during the day and night with Lianxue, Lianxue would slowly fall in love with him. He always thought that he was a sinner and a wicked person. No one would like a vicious person.

Therefore, he never discovered Lianxue's love for him.

During the days in Suliu Dojo and the days when he took care of Lianxue, he gradually changed back to his original self who only fought to protect others.

Until, one day, the master called him to his bedside and asked him if he would inherit the dojo and marry Lianxue, who had always liked him, as his wife.

He never thought that he was qualified to inherit his master's dojo, and he never thought that Lianxue would like him.

At that moment, he didn't know what he felt in his heart.

I just felt like I had regained my life.

After that, he and Lianxue were together. He and Lianxue watched the fireworks together, which Lianxue had not been able to watch because of her frailty since she was a child.

Amidst the fireworks in the sky, Lianxue expressed her feelings to him. Lianxue said that before meeting him, she never thought that she would be able to live to see the fireworks for these ten days.

‘Rengoku Kyoujurou’ replied without hesitation.

Even if he killed all sixty-seven people in the poisoned dojo with his bare hands, he would never lose what he wanted to protect.

In the end, he couldn't protect anything.

"Father, Master Qingzang...Lianxue..."

Akaza spoke softly.

However, when he returned to the dojo, he learned of the death of Lianxue and his master.

Four no longer exists. .

"For what you want to protect, you must do your best, even if it means death.

"Protect what you want to protect..."

"Hua Hua Hua"

Akaza kept repeating at the corner of his mouth and closed his eyes slightly,

He has notified the other swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Team to provide support. Now, what he does is to keep the opponent.

"Even if I am not your opponent, I will not let you leave."

Rengoku Kyoujurou pressed the hilt of Nichirin Blades tightly, his eyes wary. He already knew that the person in front of him was 'Twelve Kizuki. The Third of the String. The Fighting Ghost. Akaza'

"You... are no match for me."

On that day, ‘Akaza’ swore that he would become stronger than anyone else and protect Lianxue for the rest of his life.

This time, he also failed to keep Lianxue.

It turned out that not long after he left, a nearby dojo was worried about and jealous of Suliu Dojo, which had only one disciple but owned a large area of ​​land. However, because it could not defeat him and his master, he chose to despicably poison the well of Suliu Dojo.

Akaza did not raise his head, but silently rubbed the love beads in his hand.

A man wearing a flame-patterned haori, with yellow hair and piercing eyes appeared behind 'Akaza' at some point. The man's hand pressed tightly on the handle of the knife at his waist and looked at Akaza coldly.

An evil spirit that he couldn't fight now.

Then, on the eve of his marriage to Lianxue, he went home and planned to tell his father the good news of his marriage to Lianxue.

Rengoku Kyoujurou gritted his teeth and spoke.

And renamed himself "Pig Nest".

"Even if it means death, are you willing to do it?"

‘Akaza’ spoke calmly. The aura of the Demon Slayer Swordsman in front of him gave him a very powerful feeling, but compared to him, it was still far behind.

………please give me flowers)…

Akaza couldn't help but look up. The young boy's charming and lively eyes made him seem to see his former self.

Just like I once wanted to protect my father who was sick in bed.

"Rengoku Kyoujurou."

"and who are you?"

The wind blew, making the leaves rustle, and a 'sending crow' flew down.

It was also at this time that he met 'Kibutsuji Muzan' and was forcibly turned into an evil spirit by 'Kibutsuji Muzan'. He lost all his memories and only had the obsession to become stronger.

Akaza lowered his head, rubbed the love beads in his hand tenderly, and murmured softly.

All the things he once protected...

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