early morning

The warm sunlight shines on Su Mu's face through the window.

Opening his eyes, he stretched involuntarily.

I vented a lot last night, so far, I just feel refreshed.

Walking out as usual, sure enough, Tanjirou got up earlier than himself and started training.

"What a hard-working kid."

Su Mu couldn't help but secretly praised.

"If you feel tired, take a break and don't work so hard."

He patted Tanjirou on the shoulder and said with concern.

"I know, Uncle."

Tanjirou wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded.

Su Mu smiled and went to the kitchen. After a lot of trouble last night, he was afraid that Kamado Kuizhi would not get up so early in the morning, so he was going to prepare the meals.

He just walked a few steps, but stopped again, and set his gaze on Tanjirou's slightly hesitant face: "Does Tanjirou have anything to tell me?"

Tanjirou hesitated for a moment, but said:

"When I got up for a run in the morning, when I passed by a house, I seemed to smell the smell of blood."

For Tanjirou's morning run, here's Su Mu's training advice for Tanjirou.

Of course, this run is not along a flat road, but in the mountains.

The road in the mountains is uneven, jumping up and down, it is very difficult to keep 'breathing' while running.

But also because of this, if one can keep 'breathing' under such circumstances, it will be very useful for practicing 'breathing of the day'.

These days, Tanjirou gets up early every morning to run in the surrounding mountains.

There are several mountains around here, not only the Kamado family lives, but also several scattered families, but most of them are far away from each other.

"The smell of blood?"

Su Mu frowned, Su Mu didn't doubt that Tanjirou smelled 'blood'.

He knew that Tanjirou's nose was extremely sensitive. If he said he smelled blood, he must have smelled blood, and there was basically no mistake.

"Take me over there to have a look."


Tanjirou nodded.

Along the mountain road, jumping over several steep slopes, soon, a house standing in the distance appeared in front of you.

If it was at this time in the past, the smoke from the houses would have been seen rising, but up to now, I haven't seen any smoke from the houses, and it seems a little too quiet here.

"That's where the smell of blood comes from."

Tanjirou pointed to the mountain hut.

He was passing by at the time, smelled the smell of blood, and was also curious, so he came to check, but the door of the family's room was closed, so he had no choice but to leave.

Hearing Su Mu's words, Su Mu also quickly ran towards the hut.

Sure enough, just like what Tanjirou had seen before, the fence surrounding the house was tightly closed, and the door of the house was also tightly closed.

Su Mu yelled a few times, but there was no response. He just hesitated a little, kicked open the fence of the yard, and walked towards the house in the yard.

The fence was kicked open, and Tanjirou couldn't help but look worried: "Uncle, is this bad? What if the family doesn't respond because they are sleeping late at home, we destroy their things like this, I'm afraid..."


Su Mu just replied lightly, without looking back, she entered the courtyard door and kicked it open.

And as the door kicked open, a strong smell of blood also came, and what a miserable scene of hell on earth came into view.

Inside the house, the furniture fell in a mess, and almost every piece of furniture was stained with blood and minced meat.

at the door

An old man with only the upper body was lying on his stomach. The old man crawled towards the door with his arms, his fingers were bloody and bloody. Beside him were broken internal organs and some broken bones.

In addition, bones with flesh and blood can still be seen vaguely in the house.

In addition to the old man who died at the door with only his upper body left, there were several indistinct heads in the room, which could be identified as males and females through the faint remains.

Among them, the smallest head was only about the size of a two or three-year-old child's head, and an eyeball was stuck on the skull with bloody skin attached.

Almost as soon as he saw this scene, Tanjirou who was standing behind Su Mu was stunned. The terrible visual impact made Tanjirou suddenly bend down and began to vomit violently.

Although Su Mu didn't vomit, her face turned slightly pale when she saw the scene in front of her.


But I have never seen such a tragic scene.

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