Ghost Slayer: From taking care of Tanjuro's wife and daughter

Chapter 77: Gentle Like Water, Warm Like Sunshine

Su Mu didn't expect that this man would be the girl's father.

simply unimaginable

There are such cruel parents in this world.

sigh slightly

He will step on the man's palm away.

He originally wanted to kill this kind of scum who abused children, but at this moment, he had to think about it.

after all

In any case, he is the father of the girl.

Killing the other party's father in front of the girl...

The man immediately covered his injured hand, the pain from his five fingers distorted his face.

"Why, treat your daughter like this."

The soft voice came, but it made the man tremble all over.

"Because, she...she's a loser"

Halfway through the speech, the man stopped immediately, knelt down and kowtowed: "My lord, I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong, I will definitely treat my daughter well in the future."

Obviously, the man also noticed that the person who came to the door suddenly must have seen what happened to his daughter, so he...

Su Mu was silent for a while, then nodded: "I hope you can practice consistently."

After speaking, he took a deep look at the man, sighed silently, and then turned to leave.

Kneeling on the ground and waiting for a long time, after confirming that the other party had left, the man raised his head, stood up, felt the pain in his body, and then looked at his daughter who was curled up in a corner not far away, with a flash of violence in his eyes

"Bitch, bitch..."

He immediately picked up the rattan in the yard.

Seeing the figure of the man holding the cane and approaching menacingly, the girl's body couldn't help trembling, and fear appeared in her eyes instinctively, but the girl didn't run away. Obviously, the majesty that lingered on the man for a long time made the girl even want to resist. He didn't dare to have any thoughts, he could only tremble all over, waiting to be beaten.

The anger of the weak and the despicable will only draw the knife to the weaker, and will only bow their knees in the face of those who are stronger than them.

As far as the man is concerned, he bows his knees outside and is full of anger. He can only drink to relieve his sorrow, and he has nowhere to vent his anger.

When I got home and saw the weaker family members, I vented this rage on the children.

these years

How many children were killed by him...

He can't remember 13 clearly.

It was a bit bumpy when I killed the first one, but after that, my heart began to immerse myself in this pleasure.

He loved the look of fear in the children when he whipped them.

only at this time

Only then did he feel that he was a master.

However, when he just raised the whip to vent the resentment in his heart, his body froze suddenly.

Because, suddenly, a big Japanese hand appeared on his neck at some point.

Gently pinching the fragile throat.

A huge sense of fear can't help but permeate from the bottom of my heart.

"My lord.....forgive me.....I don't dare anymore.

Standing behind the man, Su Mu lowered her eyes slightly:

"I... still don't quite believe you."

A soft sound came out, accompanied by the sound of the man's neck being broken, and the man weakly let go of the rattan in his palm.

Looking at the fallen corpse, Su Mu shook her head, such a scum, death is not a pity.

And with the death of this person, a faint white light flashed away.

A familiar, emotionless, mechanical voice sounded in my ears.

"Congratulations to the host, kill one person and get 0.1 attribute points."

Su Mu smiled, picked up the cane on the ground, and came to the girl, perhaps because she was holding the cane, the girl shrank visibly.

Obviously, girls have an instinctive fear of rattan.

"Don't worry, in the future, no one will hit you with this thing again."

Su Mu handed the headline to the girl's hand.

The girl backed away as if she had been electrocuted.


Seeing this scene, Su Mu sighed slightly, first tore off the cane, and then looked at the child who still looked a little dull, squatting in front of the girl

"How about following me in the future?"

The girl lowered her head, looking very dull.

Su Mu smiled wryly, and didn't think about the girl's response, turned around, and came to the dilapidated bed

"Bury your sister first, and you will be buried in peace after all."

He whispered.

As he spoke, he picked up the skinny girl's body, looked at her with gloomy eyes, and... the little face that was sunk in the cheek because of the full meal before he died.


Some inexplicable depression emerged in Su Mu's heart.

If he had come earlier, he might have allowed the girl to go there for treatment in time.

Perhaps, the other party will be able to save it.

but unfortunately

After all, it's still too late.

Holding the girl's hand and hugging her sister's body, she dug a pit in the yard and buried her body.

A card was simply erected, and I wanted to write a name for it.

but when the pen is written

But I found that I didn't know the girl's name at all.

I asked her sister next to her, but the other party didn't answer, but just knelt there, looking dumbfounded.

"Forget it, I won't write my name."

Su Mu sighed softly, after all, dying in the name of such a family might not be a very good destination for the dead.

"From now on, just follow me."

Su Mu stood up, looked at the girl who was still kneeling on the ground, and gently rubbed the girl's little head.

He wanted to lead the girl away, but the girl's body seemed to be frozen there, and her slightly dull pink-purple eyes were only staring at the grave where her younger sister had just been buried.

I don't know when a tear will fall.

Su Mu knelt down, stretched out her hand, and gently wiped away the tears from the girl's eyes: "Everything will pass."

He whispered, and then hugged the girl up.

Being hugged in a warm embrace, the girl's pink and purple eyes trembled slightly, but soon regained her composure.

When Su Mu returned home with the girl in his arms, he found that Kamado Kuizhi was waiting at the door early.

"Master Mu, you're back."

Kamado Aoizhi stood at the door, with his head slightly lowered, his hands naturally placed on his lower abdomen, and he bowed slightly.

Su Mu nodded, and at the same time, couldn't help saying: "Actually, it doesn't always have to be like this."

Every time I go home, Kamado Kuizhi always stands at the door early and waits, always bowing her head and bowing her body meekly.

It's like... welcoming the master back.

However, this habit really made Su Mu feel very comfortable.

Hearing Su Mu's words, Kamado Kuizhi's heart warmed up, knowing that Su Mu cared about her, but he still whispered: "It's okay, Mr. Mu, this is what I should do.

At the same time, he explained in a low voice: "If this kind of etiquette is not done well, it will make my husband lose face."

"Also, if the husband comes home and sees that his wife didn't wait for him well, he will definitely be unhappy.

Su Mu was taken aback

Only then did I realize that this is a habit here.

After all, here, the status of men is much higher than that of women, although because of these years, it has opened up a lot.

But after all, the inertia of society still exists.

Su Mu smiled, but didn't care about it, since Kamado Kuizhi likes it, so be it, not to mention, he also enjoys such etiquette.

However, he still stuck to Kamado Kuizhi's ear and whispered softly: "Ms. Kuizhi, I am not your husband yet! Are you... seducing me?"

Hearing this, Kamado Kuizhi felt as if he had stopped breathing, and his pretty face became hot.

Seeing Kamado Kuizhi's ruddy face, Su Mu didn't continue to tease this woman who blushes easily.

Instead, he carried the little girl directly into the house.

When Su Mu entered the house, Kamado Kuizhi suddenly realized that Su Mu brought someone in.

Before, all her attention was on Su Mu, so she completely ignored them.

Kamado Aoizhi hastily followed with small steps

"This child is..."

Kamado Aoizhi had some doubts.

"From now on, it will be at our house."

He put the girl down, and said softly to Kamado Aoizhi who rushed over.

At this time, Kamado Kuizhi started beating the child brought home by Su Mu.

He was thin, his face was dirty, his clothes were dusty, and his hair was knotted. He looked like a little beggar.

Only those purple eyes are very eye-catching.

"What's your name....."

Kamado Aoizhi squatted down, came to the girl, and asked gently.

The girl was dumbfounded and didn't answer, she just wiped Su Mu's sleeve tightly with her small hands.

"It's a little bit of a blow, and maybe I don't like talking a little bit."

Su Mu explained lightly.

Hearing what Su Mu said, Kamado Kuizhi already understood a little bit. Through the girl's thin and small appearance, he probably understood what happened to the girl.

"Take her to take a bath and put on new clothes."

Su Mu patted Kamado Kuizhi's hand and gave an order.


Kamado Aoizhi nodded, and picked up the girl, only to realize that the girl is really light, so light that it makes people feel distressed.

When Kamado Aoi took off the girl's clothes and saw the scarred body inside, his eyes almost burst into tears.

She couldn't imagine that anyone could be so cruel.

How can you treat a child so cruelly.

While Kamado Kuizhi was bathing the girl and changing her clothes, Su Mu also came to her room and closed the door.

Going out for a trip, killed six people in a row, and gained a lot of attribute points. Su Mu didn't plan to keep them, so naturally he had to add points.

His eyes can't help but fall on his own property panel

Name: Su Mu

Physique: 1.5 (normal adult physique is 1.)

Dexterity: 1.5 (Normal adult Dexterity is 1.)

Strength: 1.5 (Normal adult strength is 1.)

Spirit: 1.70 (normal adult spirit is 1.)

Cultivation method: Breath of the day (1.1/100.)

Attribute points earned: 0.65.

Looking at the 0.65 attribute point on the attribute panel, Su Mu immediately added 0.6 attribute point to 'Sun Breath' without any hesitation.

After adding 0.6 attribute points, Su Mu suddenly felt a shock in his mind.

same moment

A lot of experience in practicing the 'breath of the sun' poured into my mind.

Day after day, morning till night.

And with the influx of a lot of practice experience, he became more and more clear about the old breath.

in a few minutes

Su Mu just woke up from this state, and only felt that she had gradually begun to gain some control over her 'breathing'.

open one's eyes

I just feel light all over, with an indescribable sense of strength, a feeling that a single punch can explode a mountain.

Su Mu knew that this was an illusion caused by her sudden increase in strength and her inability to fully control her own strength.


Taking a deep breath, suppressing the restlessness brought about by the increase in strength in his heart, he set his sights on the attribute panel

Name: Su Mu

Physique: 1.8 (normal adult physique is 1.)

Dexterity: 1.8 (the agility of a normal adult is 1.)

Strength: 1.8 (Normal adult strength is 1.)

Spirit: 2.0 (normal adult spirit is 1.)

Cultivation method: Breath of the day (1.7/100.)

Attribute points obtained: 0.05.

Up to now, his physical fitness is more than twice that of a normal adult.

This is extremely scary.

It's not the concept of 1+1 promotion.

After all, the further the improvement of strength, the more difficult it is.

Moreover, the power displayed is completely different. If a person with twice the physical fitness confronts two ordinary people, then the loser will definitely be; the two ordinary people.


Su Mu moved around the room a little bit, and pushed open the door after barely fully controlling her growing strength.

At this time, Kamado Aoizhi had almost finished washing the little girl.

The dirty and worn-out clothes were also taken away by him and replaced with other clothes.

Since there are no girls' clothes, I can only wear Nezuko's clothes.

The girl is taller than Nezuko, but obviously much thinner than Nezuko, so the girl can barely wear Nezuko's clothes.

After changing clothes and cleaning them up, the feeling of the girl is no longer the same as before, but instead gives people a feeling of being bright.

If it wasn't for being too thin and thin, and if the good-looking eyes were a little dull, it would be really good-looking and cute.

As soon as the girl was brought out by Kamado Aoizhi, she immediately ran up to him, touched his sleeve, and hid herself behind her.

Sensing the girl's state, Su Mu gently rubbed the girl's head: "Don't be afraid, from now on, just treat this place as your own home."

The girl looked up, her pink eyes looked at the man who brought her back from where she lived and killed her father.

She didn't feel anything about her dead father. In her young heart, she was always afraid of the devil-like father.

From her birth to now, she has never had any love, let alone father's love, mother's love, and some, only severe beatings.

Her big brother, younger brother, older sister, and younger sister all died in such brutal beatings.

only her

still alive.

Relying on his own keen vision, he survived without being beaten to a vital position.

But just to live.

Perhaps, it won't be long before they will still die like those big brothers, sisters, and younger sisters.

In the past, she lived in such a 'home', and she was afraid of such a 'home', but she couldn't get rid of such a 'home' of fear.

but now

The man in front of me said to give her a 'home'

Vaguely, she felt that perhaps, this 'home' was different from the one she used to live in.

But I was very scared, afraid that I would still live in the original 'home'.


There are expectations for the future, but there are also fears.

She doesn't know what the future holds.

only know

He tightly pulled the sleeve of the man in front of him with his hand.

Before, in her life, she had never received any love, nor had she ever had love.

That world is dark.

It was the appearance of the man in front of her that brought him out of that dark world, allowing her to glimpse a glimmer of light in this world.

but she

Afraid of the lights again.


too warm

The warmth is a little unreal.

Those unreal feelings made her grab the sleeve of the man who brought her to this warm place.


Only then will there be a sense of security in my heart, a real feeling. .

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