“Fern Ji?!”

The brave man looked at Fern Ji who opened the door and walked in with a surprised expression.

“Lord Fern-hime?”

Murajima looked alarmed and quickly stood up.

“What’s the situation?”

Murajima thought.

“What kind of wind is it today?”

“Blew Fern Ji over?”

“In general, such a small occasion as a governor’s meeting …”

“Fern Ji usually doesn’t show up in person, right…”



Matsushita, Hikarumura, and Brave got up one after another.

Bow respectfully to Fern Ji.

“Fern-sama, how are you…”


You Guo for so many years.

Always relied on Fern Ji.

The reason why Kyogokoya was able to become the first flower town in Yugoku.

The main reason is also because of Fern Ji.

The second brave man can be the governor of Guo.

In fact, it is also a matter of Fern Ji’s words.

This time the Governor will remember Fern Ji personally present.

It really made the four of them a little overwhelmed.


“You sit here.”

The brave man in the middle got up and beckoned Fern Ji at the door to take a seat.

Fern Ji looked at the brave man’s expression with indifference.

A look of disdain.

She walked slowly and picked up Ye Xuan, who was standing next to Sachiko.

Walked towards the position of the governor.

“What’s the situation?”

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in surprise.

“Lord Fern Ji knows this kid?”

“Why did you hold Ye Xuan???

“For so many years…”

“There are countless men who pursue Lord Fernhime.”

“She barely looked at it…”

“Lord Fern-hime?”

Murajima leaned down and greeted him with a flattering look.

But Fern Ji, who was holding Ye Xuan, didn’t even look at him.

“Lord Fern-hime… You sit…”

The brave man bowed down and invited Fern Ji to take a seat.

“Get out of here!”

Fern Ji glanced at the brave man.

“Okay, okay…”

The brave man hurriedly stepped aside to find an empty seat to stand on.

“Lord Fern, you came today for…?”

The brave man asked in a low voice.

“Master Ye Xuan, you sit.”

Fern Ji held Ye Xuan and sat in the position of the brave man.


“What does that mean?”

“Lord Fern Ji actually stood voluntarily.”

“Let this kid sit in the governor’s seat?”

Murajima looked at the scene in front of him incredulously.


Fern Ji said coldly.


“I’m in.”

Murajima nodded flatteringly.

“Lord Fern, what are your orders?”

“How many years have you been the boss of Kyogokuda?”

“It’s been four years, Lord Fern-hime.”

“Thanks to your blessing, Kyogokuda was able to achieve such a large scale in four years.”


“You and the brave man were helped by me at that time, right?”

Fern Ji glanced contemptuously at the brave man in the corner.

“Yes, yes.”

“I took office in the same year as the Governor of the Brave.”


“You two should be about the same.”

“It’s been four years.”

“It’s time for You Guo to get a makeover.”

Fern Ji said slowly.

“What does Lord Fern mean by this?”

“In the past four years, Governor Brave and I have been doing what you want…”

“Don’t dare to be sloppy.”

“If there’s something wrong to do…”

“You said we’ll change it…”

Murajima looked at Ye Xuan, who was sitting beside Fern Ji.

Immediately understood something.

“You’re not going to let this kid on…”

Murajima hasn’t finished speaking.

He was forced by Fern Ji’s sharp eyes to dare not continue.

“Let you roll, you will roll.”

“Where did all this nonsense come from?”

Fern Ji said impatiently.

“I announce that from now on.”

“Ye Xuan is the owner of the Jingji House.”

“No one has any objections, right?”

Fern Ji said coldly.


“This white-haired boy…”

Murajima glanced at Fern Hime and then at Sachiko.

“Want to swallow the two largest flower towns in Yuguo alone?”

“What the hell is going on, this kid?”

“I have no objection!”

“Neither do I!”

Matsushita and Hikarumura nodded in agreement.

“You guys…”

Murajima looked at Matsushita and Hikaru with an unhappy expression.

Then he looked at Fern Ji again.

“Lord Fern-hime, look…”

“Shut up, Murajima.”

Fern Ji glared at Murajima.

Murajima immediately quieted down, but did not dare to continue speaking.

“Brave man, your position as governor.”

“Let it out too.”

Fern Ji usually looks ahead, and does not look directly at the brave man in the corner.

“Understood, Lord Fern-hime.”

“It’s all up to you.”

“There are no objections, right?”

Fern Ji looked around coldly.


“No, Lord Fern-hime.”

The four nodded one after another.

“One more thing for the four of you.”

“You say, Lord Fern-hime.”

“We will definitely do our best to do it well…”

“All the newly cultivated wandering girls and flower kui of Quanyou Guo.”

“And all those who have had a relationship with Lord Ye Xuan.”

“It’s all centralized.”

“Just give these girls to Sachiko.”

Fern Hime looked at the four and then at Sachiko.

“Starting today, Yoshiwara Yukaku will no longer allow meat and skin trading.”

“All Hanamachi are mainly gambling.”

“You are only allowed to listen to music and drink.”

“Simply put.”

“It’s that all the wandering girls and flower kui are now Ye Xuan’s private property.”

“Got it?”

Fern Ji asked.

“Got it…”

“You Guo officially changed its name to Yoshihara Castle.”

“Ye Xuan serves as the city lord of Yoshihara City.”

“No comments, guys.”

Fern Ji asked in a low voice again.

“No comments…”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“Okay, adjournment.”

“If you want to keep your respective jobs, do your job well.”

“Don’t be vague…”


Fern Ji looked around at the four and asked in a low voice.

“Got it…”

The four nodded one after another, with a very respectful attitude.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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