Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 102: Everything You See, Feel, Touch, And Touch Is Like The Lieyang Gang (1/10)

Makomo blinked, looking at the idiot basking in the sun.

feel like dreaming

what did i see

Saw a ghost bathed in sunlight.

Doesn't it mean that ghosts will die as long as they see the sun?

Makomo felt that his head was in a daze, he was a ghost, wouldn't he die at the sight of light?

Facing the sun and bathing in the sun, Su Mu only felt an indescribable discomfort all over her body, weakness, wanting to vomit, wanting to sleep, all kinds of difficult and negative states almost rushed in.

Although, as a ghost, he would not die if he was bathed in sunlight, and sunlight would not be his fatal point, but the characteristics of ghosts still made him dislike sunlight.

I really want to hide in the shadows, I really want to wear a black coat all over my body.

but in the end

he didn't

He gritted his teeth, forcibly endured the uncomfortable feeling in his heart, and forced himself to adapt

time goes by little by little

The sun rose higher and higher without knowing it. The ghosts in this world have long been hiding in the dark depths, but he is the only one who still welcomes the sun with open arms.

The warm sunlight fell on Su Mu's skin, and with the warm sunlight, layers of fine blisters began to appear on the fair skin. It was the ghost's body that instinctively responded to the sunlight.

Presumably similar to human allergies, ghosts, are allergic to sunlight.

There was an unstoppable itching all over his body, and the longer he bathed in the sun, the more intense this allergic feeling became.


Taking a deep breath, Su Mu forcibly endured the discomfort, and began to dance on the top of the mountain.

There are a total of twelve dance patterns in the God of Fire Kagura Dance, and he did not know how many times he danced last night.

But no matter how many times he jumped, it didn't seem to have much effect on him as a ghost.

But now, dancing in the sun, he could clearly feel 'breathing', with the scorching heat of the sun entering his spleen and lungs domineeringly, burning and warming him.

Is this the 'breath of the sun'?

In an instant, I realized something.

He opened his eyes, 'breathing' was smooth at this moment, and the breath filled with sunlight filled his whole body.

"Breathing method" is a general term for the skills developed by Guo Yuanyi for the human body. The main function is to strengthen the heart and lung function, so that the blood can absorb a large amount of oxygen in a short period of time. The ability of the body is greatly improved, and then it has the same physical ability as a ghost for a short time.

The "breath of the sun" is the initial breath, the ancestor and foundation of all breathing methods.

As the initial breath, it can emit the same energy as the sun, and has great lethality to ghosts.

At the same time, energy can also be directly attached to the blade to form a burning crimson blade—"He" `knife" will destroy the ghost's internal organs after being pierced into the ghost's body, and the ghost's internal organs will be burned as if burned by a raging flame The pain, and the body of the ghost gradually collapsed and could not be regenerated.

The so-called 'breathing', chasing its essence, is made for people.

It wasn't made for ghosts from the start.

When the same energy from the "breath of the sun" that comes from the sun enters the heart and lungs, and feels the pain burning in the heart, Su Mu probably already understood the matter.


It is precisely because this is the 'breathing' that a ghost should master, when the 'breathing' containing solar energy enters the ghost's heart and lungs, the powerful stimulation makes him instantly sense an extremely powerful force.

While this kind of power has the destructive power to the ghost's body, it also greatly improves the ability of thinking.


Press on the hilt.

close your eyes

In an instant, I realized something.

The wind blows from the top of the mountain, and the hot sun shines down.

The young man's eyes were vaguely thinking of the twelve dance patterns of the "God of Fire Kagura Dance".


The clear and crisp sound of sword chanting suddenly resounded through the clouds, and in an instant, hundreds of kilometers away, one could faintly feel that the sun in the sky and the earth suddenly became hot at this moment.

Breath of the Sun · One Shaped Round Dance

round dance

Breath of the Sun·Two-shaped Biluotian

Breath of the Sun · Three Type Sun-red Mirror

The breath of the sun · the four-shaped phantom sunbow

Breath of the Sun·Wuzhi Train

Breath of the Sun·Land-shaped Scorching Sun

Breath of the Sun·Seven-shaped Yanghuatu

Breath of the Sun‧Eight Type Flywheel Kagero

Breath of the Sun · Nine-shaped Setting Sun Turning

The Breath of the Sun

The Breath of the Sun · The Dragon of the Sun's Halo · Head Dance

The Breath of the Sun · The Dance of the Twelve Shapes

On the top of the mountain, all I could see was the Nichirin Blades wielded by a boy with ghost horns.

Accompanied by one after another of 'types' urging out, one after another of terrifying sword qi crisscrossed.

The rocks began to collapse as the sword qi slashed past.

Makomo opened his mouth wide, staring blankly at this scene, looking at that stupid 'Mu', bathed in the sun, using the 'breathing' method.

What's even more frightening is that the 'breathing method' actually contains destructive energy from the sun.

The place where the Nichirin Blades are waving, the flames are endless. At this moment, it is obviously the coldest moment in winter, but the surrounding temperature makes people feel suffocatingly hot.

hide nearby

A basement hidden deep underground.

The basement here is incomparably luxurious. A man in a black suit who had started to rest suddenly opened his eyes.

A feeling of heart palpitations suddenly formed in my heart.

that breath

familiar breath

Just like hundreds of years ago, that person cut him with a sword like the sun.

Ji Guoyuanyi

That person, even now, still feels fear.

"Damn undead.

"Why are they all dead? It still makes me so uneasy."

Kibutsuji Muzan gritted his teeth, and there was unspeakable hatred in his scarlet eyes.

On the top of the mountain, the snow that was once covered had already begun to melt at this moment, and the water began to flow. In the end, the ice layer accumulated on the top of the mountain gushed down like a torrent.

On the top of the mountain, the flames were scorching hot. Every sword that Su Mu swung cut down, the flames were scorching hot, and there was no corrective action.

And in the same way, the clothes on Su Mu's body (money and money) were all burnt clean with the terrifying temperature.

"This idiot..."

Makomo looked at this scene with a blushing face: "'Mu' was definitely intentional, it's too hateful."

She wanted to turn her head away, but she was really worried about Su Mu in her heart.

After all, it can be clearly seen that the state of the body is wrong.

But at this moment, Su Mu has stopped moving, staring at the rising sun, whispering softly

"The breath of the sun · the shape of the three."

The next moment, the round dance, the blue sky, the scorching sun and the red mirror..., the twelve shapes from the "breath of the sun" - release, and thus constitute a cycle, starting to continue

At this moment, Su Mu's body was burning with flames.

Like Vulcan.

The flames flowed endlessly.

Everything you see, feel, touch, and touch is like a blazing sun.

This is the most direct softness that can be felt by people who have been forced by the hot temperature to watch from a long distance away. .

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