Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 113: In The Eyes Of My Father, Tanjirou Is The Most Trustworthy Compared To That Ghost Su Mu

This night was extremely long, and Tanjirou never forgot what Su Mu said to him before he left during the day.

Even though he felt drowsy, Tanjirou didn't sleep. He walked along the window and looked outside expectantly, looking forward to the figure of Su Mu bringing the doctor over.


The sound of snow falling from the trees outside.

Lying on the bed in his clothes, Tanjirou opened his eyes in a daze.

He got up from the bed almost without saying a word.


Kamado Takeo rubbed his sleepy eyes, and looked at the big brother strangely, what was the big brother doing up so late.

"Takeo, sleep well, big brother go out for a while."

Tanjirou patted his brother's head tenderly.

"Understood big brother, don't always treat me like a child."

Somewhat annoyed, Zhuxiong slapped the big brother off his hand, and then got into the warm bed with his head: "Big brother, don't stay outside for a long time, it's night and the weather is very cold, wear more clothes when you go out. "


Tanjirou glanced at his younger brother tenderly, then put on his clothes and went out.

Pushing open the door, a gust of cold wind blows, and 707 makes Tanjirou shiver unconsciously.

Standing at the door, looking around, I didn't see Su Mu's figure.

Slightly disappointed.

But, what happened to the commotion outside just now?

In the past, Tanjirou would not have cared too much about it, but after hearing that there are really evil spirits in this world, and that ghosts really can destroy houses and eat people, Tanjirou felt like a gust of evil wind was generated from the bottom of his heart.

Suddenly, I felt a panic.

Could it be a ghost?

What if it is really a ghost?

I felt very scared all of a sudden.

After all, I was still a child, looking at the darkness outside, I thought about the horror of ghosts in my mind, and in my heart, I couldn't help feeling afraid.


As if sensing something behind him, Therapist turned his head abruptly.

is the father

My fearful heart suddenly calmed down.

Although my father's body is very weak, it is very difficult to simply walk,


As long as his father stood there, Tanjirou felt an inexplicable peace of mind, a very safe feeling.

"Father, why are you up?"

Tanjirou stepped forward and supported his father (acdf), feeling puzzled at the same time.

Kamado Tanjuro gently stroked his son's head, and stared outside with calm eyes: "Go, bring the ax from home."

Tanjirou was a little puzzled, but he followed his father's advice and brought over the ax used for chopping wood at home.

"Let's go, let's go out and kill the things that are approaching the house."

Kamado Tanjuro spoke calmly while holding the axe.

Tanjirou's face couldn't help changing, and he asked in horror: "Is it a ghost?"

Kamado Tanjuro shook his head: "Although there is a strange aura pushing that thing, it is not a ghost.

Hearing that it was not a ghost, Tanjirou was also relieved, and was about to step forward to help his father, but found that his father had already walked ahead.

Before that, the father who was struggling to walk, walked so lightly.


Tanjirou hurriedly followed, looking at his father at this moment, his eyes excited: "Is my father's illness cured?"

Looking at his excited son, Kamado Tanjuro shook his head: "My illness is not getting better."

Hearing that his father's illness was not cured, Tanjirou was a little disappointed, but also a little puzzled. Normally, his father struggled even to walk, and even needed help from others. Now, he was walking with a heavy ax in the deep snow. Such light steps.

"It's because.......breathe!"

Kamado Tanjuro patted Tanjirou on the head: "My body is already so bad, but I can walk faster than normal people like I am now, and I can do all this

It's because of breathing!"

"Tanjirou, you too, pay attention to breathing!"

Tanjirou nodded heavily, and began to consciously control his breathing, but he couldn't do it like his father.

"Tanjirou can't do it now, because Tanjirou has done too many useless movements, the important thing is correct breathing and correct strength, using the smallest movement to exert the maximum strength... In this way, slowly the head will gradually become transparent..."

Tanjirou began to follow his father's teachings.

At the same time, I am also a little puzzled. What his father taught him tonight is more detailed than what he taught Su Mu during the day, even more specific, and more importantly... The good thing is that every point he said is completely in line with himself.

They are all his own deficiencies and what he should correct.

These things were never mentioned by Su Mu's father during the day.

"Are you puzzled?"

Kamado Tanjuro stroked Tanjirou's head: "Although, I believe in that ghost, but... he is a ghost after all! Beware of a bottle after all."

"Tanjirou, as the eldest son of the family, in the future, you should bear the burden and responsibility of the family. In the future, protecting your younger brother and younger sister is what Tanjirou has to do. You are the most trustworthy father."


Tanjirou clenched his fists heavily: "I will definitely protect my mother, Nezuko, Hanako, Takeo, and Rokuta..."

"So, Tanjirou, you have to improve quickly, not only is that oni powerful, but the oni that comes from the enemy of the adult who inherited the will of our Kamado family is even stronger

.You have to hurry up and catch up!"

"I will."

Tanjirou nodded heavily.

Looking at his sensible son, Kamado Tanjuro's eyes revealed a hint of relief.

"It just so happens that a sightless thing came near the house, and my father will cover it up for you personally. What is it... the god of fire, Kagura Wu."

He said softly, a sharp coldness flashed across his calm eyes at this moment.

next moment

Tanjuro found himself being grabbed by the palm of his father.


A muffled sound resounded in the courtyard, and Tanjirou was shocked to find that he was being dragged away by his father.

The father, who used to struggle to walk, is now more than ten times faster than the cheetah.

The wind was blowing, and the sound of howling wind was almost all around my ears.

Looking at the mountains and trees passing by in front of him, Tanjirou was horrified and confused.

His father, who had always been sick and weak in his eyes, seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind, and his weak body broke out at such a fast speed.

at this moment

Kamado Tanjirou just realized

own father

Really not ordinary people!

Finally, after more than a while, Kamado Tanjuro finally stopped.

Tanjirou stopped, gasping for breath.

Still breathing calmly, his father was looking ahead with great interest.

Tanjirou looked up.

Looking forward with some horror, his body took a step back involuntarily, but he seemed to think of something, and hurriedly stood beside his father. .

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