Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 116: Nezuko, Don't Be Afraid (5/10)

The sun is not hot, but very gentle, as soft as a lover brushing against someone's face.

Su Mu wears the same black hat as Makomo, and walks on the road with a huge box on his back.

The two stood shoulder to shoulder, talking and laughing from time to time.

Occasionally, Su Mu would say a few teasing words, which would always make Makomo's delicate little face flush slightly, making her look particularly cute.

"'Mu' still spouts some strange nonsense as always."

Makomo pursed his mouth and looked resentful.

"If 'Mu' is not a ghost, but a human being, with words like 'Mu', I'm afraid it will stir up the hearts of many girls."

The girl's tone was obviously pan-citric.

After all, "Mu" also said some words to Kochou Shinobu's sister when she was in Mt.

Now, let's talk about Makomo again.

Really as if Makomo didn't know anything about it.

Or, in the eyes of 'Mu', Makomo is just a silly and sweet girl.

Is it a silly, silly girl?

Although I also like to listen to it, but like 'Mu', it is always a little...too bothering.

02 Hearing Makomo's complaint, Su Mu slightly turned her head to look at him: "Because I'm a ghost, it's useless even if I pull too many girls' hearts."

"In this world, only a beautiful, kind, and lovely girl like Makomo doesn't care about my identity as a ghost. She is willing to hurt me, love me, and like me. In the future, she is more willing to knit clothes, cook for me, and even give birth to a child...”

" are talking nonsense."

Makomo's face turned red, and he slapped Su Mu angrily, and said in embarrassment: "Whoever wants to give birth to you will give birth to you, I really don't want to.

"Ha ha.…………"

Seeing the girl's blushing face, Su Mu also smiled happily.

Likes to make jokes about Makomo more and more.

However, as I stayed with myself for a long time, I gradually discovered that Mazo's personality seemed to become more and more cheerful.

Also more youthful.

This made him very happy.

After all, this is what Makomo should look like at this age, when he is young, and should be full of youthful beauty.

Lively, cheerful, happy, carefree.

Soon, the Kamado family's house appeared in front of them.

Outside the door, Tanjirou was waiting anxiously, seeing the arrival of Su Mu and Makomo, also showing excitement.

Almost ran over at a trot.


Quickly running in front of Su Mu, Tanjirou immediately bent down and shouted respectfully.

Su Mu glanced at Tanjirou's body slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in her golden eyes. Just now, if she read correctly, Tanjirou's breathing has been kept very calm after running this distance.

Before Tanjirou ran here, he was afraid that he was out of breath.

"Have you learned to breathe yet?"

Su Mu murmured, and had to secretly admire, she really deserves to be the protagonist of Demon Slayer, this talent is really amazing.

"Tanjirou, what happened?"

Makomo next to him showed a bit of curiosity, seeing that Tanjirou's expression was obviously a little bit wrong.

"Father...Father seems to be dying.

Tanjirou said anxiously, and couldn't help grabbing Su Mu's sleeve with his hand, staring at him with his ruby-like eyes: "Mr. promised to bring a doctor to my father. 17

The tone was obviously complaining.

Su Mu was slightly silent.

Hearing Tanjirou complaining about his lover, Makomo's delicate little face showed obvious displeasure.

Although she usually likes to bully 'Mu', and also likes to see how 'Mu' suffers from her, but it is not so good for others.

"Tanjirou, are you blaming 'Mu'?"


Tanjirou opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only lower his head: "I'm sorry, it's my father's illness that made Tanjirou a little at a loss."

"Take me to Mr. Tanjuro."

Su Mu patted Tanjirou on the shoulder, his heart was a little strange, when Kamado Tanjuro left yesterday, although his body was weak, he was still in good condition, why, his condition suddenly worsened in just one night.

"it is good."

With Su Mu's hand on his shoulder, Fajiro's flustered heart calmed down a lot.

to the room.

Just discovered

Almost all the Kamado family gathered in front of the ward.

Kamado was busy with his head hanging down, obviously absent-minded. Nezuko sat on the side of the ward, holding his father's hand with red eyes.

Takeo, Shigeru, and Hanako also lost their usual playfulness and sat quietly.

An air of sadness pervades the Kamado family.

Although Kamado Tanjuro has been sick and unable to work these years, if it is really counted, it is almost a burden for this poor family.

However, for the Kamado family, Kamado Tanjuro is the backbone of the family.

It is the pillar of the family. Although the pillar is a bit decayed now, it is still the pillar after all.

And as the backbone, the pillars are about to be stepped on, and the feeling of being at a loss almost made the family lose their minds in an instant.

Su Mu stepped forward quickly and took Kamado Tanjuro's hand from Nezuko's.

According to Kamado Tanjuro's pulse, he was obviously much weaker.

Slightly frowned.

"Carry Tanjuro-san to a place in the shadow of the room."

He said to Tanjirou behind him.

Tanjirou was slightly puzzled: "Why did you carry it to the shade, the shade looks damp, and for my father's condition..."

"Just do it."

Su Mu looked at Tanjirou lightly.

"Big brother, do as you say."

Just when Tanjirou was slightly hesitant, Nezuko next to him raised his head and said to the big brother: "After all, Mister is a good man, and he will not do anything bad to father, since Mr. 050 wants to lift father into the shadows Jia Ding has a reason for Mr.

Hearing this, Tanjirou screamed inwardly ashamed, he doubted Mr. just now, it was really unreasonable.

He hastily followed Su Mu's advice.

At this time, Su Mu also stood up, and said to Kamado Aoizhi: "Please take the child out of the house, we have to treat Mr. Tanjuro, and there can't be too many people in the house."

"it is good."

Kamado Kuizhi nodded hastily, and hurriedly led the son and the girl outside.

"Leave only one person in the room, and everyone else can go out, including Ms. Nezuko.

"No, I'm staying."

Nezuko shook his head stubbornly.

"Stay here, and something terrible will happen to Ms. Nezuko later."

He looked at Nezuko, and said with concern.

"It's a terrible thing..."

Nezuko murmured, pinching the pink kimono involuntarily with her small hands, but immediately, the girl seemed to have made up her mind, and raised her head, revealing her delicate face.

A pair of ruby-like eyes looked at Su Mu seriously: "Nezuko, don't be afraid.

Su Mu narrowed her golden eyes.

The ruby-like eyes are still so firm under the gaze of his golden eyes.

"Since that's the case, then Ms. Nezuko can stay, but, no matter what happens, please don't panic Ms. Nezuko.


Nezuko nodded emphatically. .

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