Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 199: The Era Of Ghosts Is Over

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill one of the evil spirits, and get the reward: Breath of the Moon.

Breath of the Moon: Kokyuu, which is directly derived from Breath of the Beginning and Breath of the Sun, includes 16 types in total.

A mechanical and emotionless voice echoed in Su Mu's mind, letting him know the ability he obtained by beheading Twelve Kizuki, One of the Winding Strings, Ghost of the Sword, and Kokushibou.

To be honest, he has already mastered the 'breath of the sun', and 'breath of the moon' is already very tasteless to him.

It belongs to the feeling that it is tasteless to eat and it is a pity to discard it.

However, it would be nice to have one more breath and one more ability.

This was the thought that came to Su Mu's mind before the figure stepped into the darkness.

With the death of Kibutsuji Muzan, Akaza was also panicked.

However, Kochou Shinobu and Kochou Kanae, who were fighting against them, seized such an opportunity in an instant.

Almost in an instant, a sword slashed across.

Akaza's head was directly chopped off by Kanae Nichirin Blades.


Seeing Akaza's head thrown flying, Kochou Shinobu and Kochou Kanae also sheathed their swords and let out a sigh of relief.

Although the fighting time is not long, the risk is extremely high. As the third of the "Four Three Zeros", Akaza is really powerful. Even if they are sisters, they will fight very hard under their strong fighting spirit.

"However, it finally killed the other party."

Kochou Shinobu exhaled lightly, looked at Akaza's head thrown away, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and his black hair fluttered with the wind.

However, immediately, the eyes of both of them changed.

The Akaza who was beheaded by her sister Nichirin Blades did not die, but took advantage of the moment when the two of them lost their minds, the body quickly ran in front of the head, and the thrown head quickly connected to the body.

The wounded area heals quickly and is fully restored again.

It seems that there is no injury at all.

There was no sign of injury at all.

"how is this possible.………"

Both Kochou Shinobu and Kochou Kanae were shocked. From the moment they joined the ghost killing team, they understood a truth. There are two kinds of things that can kill ghosts. One is to be irradiated by the sun, and the other is to chop with Nichirin Blades Dropping the ghost's head, of course, does not count the wisteria toxin, which was developed by Kochou Shinobu.

But now, Akaza, whose head was chopped off by his sister, is not dead.

Akaza also touched his neck with his hands at this moment, looking at the two girls in front of him, full of disappointment.

If he had not already broken through the 'limit' of ghosts, he would not have died even if he was beheaded by Nichirin Blades. If not, he might have died in the hands of the sisters just now.

Anger, annoyance, filled Akaza's heart.

"I'm going to tear you apart."

Akaza's scarlet eyes stared at the pair of Kochou sisters, if he hadn't sworn not to eat women, he would have eaten the pair of sisters.

"I'm afraid you don't have this chance.

A calm voice sounded.

"Da da da.……………"

In the darkness, the sound of footsteps came out so clearly.

A figure came out slowly.

"'Forbearance', Guozhong."

Su Mu looked at the Kochou sisters with a smile and called out their names.

"It's a coincidence that I haven't dealt with the other party yet. Kochou Shinobu seemed a little dissatisfied, but his voice was full of intimacy. The sword that Ben drew again, with the arrival of Su Mu, was put away.

Now that the husband has arrived, there is no chance for her to make a move.

"'Mu', please be careful, this ghost is a bit strong, even if you cut through the head with Nichirin Blades, you won't die.

Kochou Kanae couldn't help reminding.

"No matter how strong it is, can it be as strong as Kibutsuji Muzan and Kokushibou?"

Su Mu spoke softly.

The Kochou sisters couldn't help being surprised, and then couldn't help but smile.

"Such a difficult ghost has been solved.

"Sure enough, doing is the most difficult ghost in the world.

Kochou Shinobu was joking.

Su Mu smiled, and naturally walked in front of the Kochou sisters, looking at Akaza on the opposite side

Twelve Kizuki, the third of the winding, the fighting ghost. Akaza.

When he was still a human, Akaza chose to keep exercising to make himself stronger in order to protect his valued family and lover.

After becoming a ghost, because of the loss of all memory, only the obsession to become stronger is left in my heart.

In order to make himself stronger, the kennel only likes to fight with the strong. As a ghost, the kennel never kills or eats women because of the strong man's creed, and he will only choose when he is extremely hungry. eat human.

Therefore, Akaza and Douma, who only loves to eat people, especially women, can be regarded as two extremes, and the relationship between the two is naturally quite bad.

"You go to hell too."

Looking at each other, Su Mu said lightly.

Akaza's face is indifferent, but the fighting spirit in his heart is raging, even though he knows that Kokushibou and Muzan may have died in the hands of this ghost.


But there is no sense of fear.

Instead, a strong will to fight emerged.

Taking a deep breath, Akaza's body bent slightly, his eyes were focused at this moment: "I'm afraid, it's not what you want."


His body bounced up like a cannonball, and he rushed towards Su Mu. He was in the air, but his punch shot out

'Destroying Kill • Final Form·Qingyin Chaotic Remnant Light. '

Belonging to his strongest punch.

In an instant, with Akaza as the center, compass needles gathered one after another, and there were hundreds of them.


With one punch, hundreds of needles go with him, and each needle sends hundreds of missiles in an instant. The speed is fast and the power is huge.

looking at all this,

Su Mu's face was expressionless.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, rest in peace.

A slight sound came out.

Su Mu's hand was pressed on the hilt of the sword at this moment.

The blade was unsheathed, and the streamer flowed between the palms.

The next moment, he left with a sword.

Kill everything.

Kennel Seat

This Twelve Kizuki, the third of the winding, the ghost of fighting.

Almost without any ability to resist, Akaza disappeared into this world with his strongest punch.

With his current strength, even Kokushibou is no match for him, so how can Akaza make waves?

With the death of Akaza, the death of Twelve Kizuki, the third of the series, the era of ghosts is completely over.

this era

It is a complete return to the era of human beings.

Even with Twelve Kizuki still alive.

for example,

Winding Five, Pot Ghost, Gyokko

Winding Land, Ghost of Thunder, Hill

And ordinary ghosts that still exist in this world...

These are no longer necessary for him to take action, and they can be left to the people who come later.

These are all handed over to the Ghost Killing Squad,

Tanjirou, Nezuko, these new members of the Ghost Slayer Squad, they will uphold the will of the Ghost Slayer Squad very well.

And he the devil

Look up.

A red sun in the east slowly rose and began to dispel the darkness of this world.


The era of man has ushered in.

And he the devil

He will also embark on a new journey. His strength has already surpassed the ceiling of this world, and he is rejected by this world.

The era of ghosts is over.

PS: There is one more chapter, and the length of Demon Slayer should come to an end. The next world should open Crimson Pupils. Those who like Crimson Pupils can continue to watch. If you don’t like it, there is almost another chapter in this book It belongs to the end.

The length of Demon Slayer is almost over. As for the other worlds that can’t be opened after finishing the writing, I guess it depends on whether the readers support it. If you support it, you will open other worlds. If not, break the pupil After the end, I will not write about other worlds. .

By the way, after a while, the author Jun will open another Demon Slayer fan fiction, because the little author Jun wrote the Chinese manga "Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker" before, so it will melt the Chinese manga factor, um, before Of course, writing Guoman is a hit, and this one is the same, and it's also a hit, but it barely made me eat a bite.

As a new author of Xiaomeng, there may be some bad things in the writing, but fortunately, with the support of generous, kind, and benevolent readers along the way, I have not written until today.

Thank you readers for your support, thank you for giving me a bite of food.

The little author Jun wrote Guoman before. As we all know, Guoman can’t be written anymore, but I can’t forget it in my heart, so the next book should be "Human in Ghost Slayer: Calling Tushan Susu, the little ancestor at the beginning" is also possible It's "Human in Ghost Slayer: Summoning Tushan Susu at the Beginning", the author named it incompetent, readers who have a good 4.2 title can also provide it.

Well, of course it can also be Tu Shan Honghong, Tu Shan Yaya, Tu Shan Rongrong.

This depends on the likes of the readers. If there is a suitable character, you can talk about it in the book review. I will summarize everyone's opinions and choose the heroine. The author's pen name will still be this pen name. 'Susu the wild cat

Because it needs to be prepared, it is estimated that it will take a week or two to open, and it has not yet opened, so please wait a while (*^^*)

Finally, I would like to thank the readers who are still following me until now, thank you for your subscription, thank you for spending money to watch me write books, so that I can not be hungry to type.


Ah Woo

Finally, I would like to ask, those little friends who are skipping, can you make up for your jumping, I have written each chapter really seriously, and I can’t get the small money of your subscription subscription, the little author feels good Sad (*^▽^*).

What kind of bad intentions can the little author have? Isn't it just that he wants to order more subscriptions. (*^▽^*) The big bodies of readers are greedy, ah, bah, bah, it’s the little money in the wallet

(^)☆(^)☆(^)☆. .

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