Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 222: Why Are You Unwilling To Fight Against The Darkness With Us

No matter what the reason is, it is unacceptable for Su Mu to unite foreign nations to attack the empire.

Although today's empire is rotten and has almost become a breeding ground for evil spirits, no matter what the empire is, it is an internal matter of the empire, and how to solve it is the matter of the empire.

And once the foreign race is united, the nature of the matter changes.

And the 'Night Raid' organization itself belongs to the Revolutionary Army.

Therefore, even though he had a good impression of the organization 'Night Raid', he chose to refuse Leonai's invitation.

"Although I have already known the darkness of the empire, it doesn't mean that I am willing to work for the tiger.

He shook his head.

"If that's the case, why don't you want to fight against the darkness with us."

Leone narrowed his eyes.

"My method is different from yours." He looked at Leone and said calmly: "I choose to correct this country from the inside.

Although this empire has long been decayed, it is hopeless.

For example, in this country, there are still many righteous people silently guarding this decadent country,

Headed by the military attache, General Budd served the empire wholeheartedly.

For example, there are many figures from the Liang School in the empire.

As for the emperor of this empire, his nature is not tyrannical, and he hopes that he can be worthy of being an emperor and become a great 330 Mingjun like his father, but because he is too young, he trusts Minister Hornest too much. So he listened to Minister Ernest's advice, and implemented the tyrannical politics that he didn't want to see.

He remembered that for the future of the new country, the emperor voluntarily went to the guillotine and told Najie Xitan that he was not worthy of being an emperor before he died, and told her to build a "no more bloodshed, peace and tranquility" new country.

It can be seen from this that the emperor himself is still very innocent, not tyrannical, but misled because of his young age.

"Correcting the country from within?"

Leonai was slightly stunned, and then couldn't help but sneer: "This country has long been rotten to the bone.

"Then scrape the bone to heal the wound."

Leonai shook his head: "This is really a naive idea."

"Then why not the Revolutionary Army?"

He looked at Leone: "If one day, the conscientious faction of the empire regains power in the empire, gradually eradicates the power of Minister Ernest, and brings the empire back to the right path, will the revolutionaries put down their weapons? ?”

Leonie was slightly silent

She doesn't know this either.

In other words, even if you know @ced), you don't want to answer.

At the beginning, the revolutionaries might not be reconciled, relying on their enthusiasm, but the revolutionary army has developed to the present, are all the people who join it like this?


Not really.

At the very least, the original essence of the revolutionary army has been lost since the uniting of different nations.

Seeing the silent Leonai, Su Mu smiled, and didn't ask anything, but stood up naturally from the seat, came to Leonai, and patted the other person's shoulder: "Although, Now my position is different from yours, but at least, now, my interests are consistent with yours."

Leonai looked at Su Mu puzzled.

"At least, the goal is to eradicate the darkness of the empire."

He smiled: "So, I think we still have many opportunities for cooperation."

"And that's why I saw you."

"I think, given the opportunity, we could work together.

He stretched out his hand: "How about it, are you interested?"

Looking at Su Mu's outstretched hand, Leonai hesitated, these are not things she can decide.

"Moreover, with my identity as the Imperial Guard helping you to conceal it, your activities in the Imperial Capital will be smoother."

He added another sentence, and then, he withdrew his hand naturally, and at the same time took out a document from the bookshelf next to it and handed it to Leone.

Leonai looked at the document Su Mu handed over with some puzzlement.

"This is the information about Oka, the captain of the Imperial Guard. I believe you should be very interested."

Hearing the information about Oka, the captain of the Imperial Guard, Leonai's eyes were also slightly happy.

You know, she came out this time, in addition to investigating who killed Arya's family, she also shouldered the task of investigating Oka, the captain of the Imperial Guard.

Because, the next beheading target of "Night Raid" is Oka, the captain of the Imperial Guard who made huge profits illegally and framed many innocent people to death.

Slightly hesitant, Leonai finally took the information, and at the same time, he raised his head unwillingly: "If you have made up your mind, you can come to me, and I can take care of you.

"You too, you can choose to come and help me."

He smiled at Leonie.

Leonai looked at the boy's golden pupils and wanted to say something, but in the end he could only lower his head slightly.

Although, now this person has the same goal as them, but it seems that the positions of the two are not the same.

The standpoint is a wonderful thing.

For example, in "Cut! Crimson Eyes", because of the different positions, no matter how close the sisters, black pupil and red pupil, are, how the elder sister wants to protect the younger sister, and how the younger sister wants to help the elder sister, but in the end, The two are different from each other because of their positions.

In the end, they took up arms with each other.

However, matters such as positions are a matter of future, at least for now, their positions do not conflict, and they can still cooperate.

She needs to go back and report such things immediately, and at the same time, ask Chitong who this person is.

After all, she had heard this person talking about Chitong before, and obviously, Chitong should know this person.

"Okay, it's not too late, you should go back, and tell you boss by the way, we can talk if we have time."

He looked at the sun that was about to set, and spoke calmly.

Leonai said nothing, turned and left.

However, when he left the mansion, he looked back again. Although he had only known her for a short time, the way the other party looked at her always gave people a very strange feeling.

Very sympathetic eyes.

It seems to know myself.

She didn't remember that she knew or met the other party before, why the other party looked at her with that kind of eyes.

What kind of person is the other party?

And as Leonai left, Su Mu also entered another room.


Shayou, Iyeyas, and Tazmi, the three fellow villagers, couldn't hide their excitement, talking enthusiastically, and telling about their recent experiences.

Hei Tong was still sitting there quietly, holding his own snack bag in his hand, eating snacks silently.

It seems that for Hei Tong, the most important thing in this world is this bag of snacks.

And as Su Mu walked into the door, Heitong, who was eating snacks, also raised his head.

"Is that woman the one who raided at night?"

The black pupils that looked like beautiful jewels were full of curiosity, and at the same time, also carried a hint of hidden murderous intent. .

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