Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 24: How Can There Be Such A Ghost In The World (14)

The waving fist was easily blocked by Su Mu, moreover, Kochou Shinobu's strength was too weak, relying on the fist alone could not cause any damage to him.

The fist was blocked, and Kochou Shinobu wanted to make another shot, but the coolness in her chest forced her to withdraw her fist, which was shaped like five fingers and blocked in front of her.

She looked at the pervert with shame and anger.

" advantage of others' danger."

"You... you pervert, you will die badly."


Kochou Shinobu's mouth was like a cannonball, without stopping.

"Shut up, stupid woman."

Su Mu was a little annoyed, so she yelled directly.

The girl's mouth stopped suddenly, and she looked at him with her big purple eyes open. Unknowingly, mist condensed on the girl's beautiful eyelashes.

As if about to cry.

"you are bullying me."

The girl muttered for a long time, but she could only say this aggrievedly.

Kochou Shinobu didn't dare to say extra words, because at this time, she remembered her situation, her life and death were controlled by this annoying ghost.

Now, what if this pervert is angered and the other party eats her up?

No matter what kind of eating it is, it is something she cannot accept.

Seeing that Kochou Shinobu had calmed down, Su Mu also nodded. If Kochou Shinobu continued to make trouble like this, he would probably choose to knock Kochou Shinobu out again, because it was too annoying.

Although the girl's voice was clear and pleasant, the questioning like a string of cannonballs was really annoying.

And he wants to be quiet now.


Seeing that the ghost turned his head away, hugged the 'Bichi' girl again and warmed himself by the fire, as if he had no intention of responding to her, Kochou Shinobu moved his body carefully and found a slightly more comfortable place to sit down.

Get away from that pervert a little bit.

after all

This is a pervert.

After a while, seeing that pervert didn't want to talk to him, Kochou Shinobu blinked his beautiful purple eyes, and a pair of beautiful eyes began to wander around.

This place should be a cave. If nothing goes wrong, it should be daytime outside, so ghosts are hiding here.

As long as I find an opportunity and find a way to run outside and appear in the sun, this ghost can't do anything with me.

When the time comes, I must find my sister, let my sister catch this ghost and control it, and then I must take revenge.

It's just that I don't understand how this ghost escaped from my sister's hands.

As for the idea that her sister would have an accident and fall into the hands of this pervert, Kochou Shinobu never thought about it at all.

In Kochou Shinobu's cognition, her elder sister is her protector. No matter how dangerous or difficult things are, her elder sister Kanae can solve them very well.

It is simply not comparable to this pervert.

"It's best to give up the idea of ​​running away. If I catch you, I will pull off your pants and spank your ass hard."

Su Mu turned her head, and her golden eyes looked at her flatly, as if she could see through the girl's thoughts.


The girl unconsciously covered her upturned little butt with her hands, and looked at the pervert with a pair of beautiful purple eyes with some fear.

This ghost is really terrifying.

To spank a girl's ass

Is this something a ghost can do?

This is what the devil did?

What kind of ghost is this?

How can there be such a shameless ghost in the world?

Kochou Shinobu became much more honest after seeing the words that followed his own threats.

Only then did he set his eyes on the fat chicken on the bonfire again, concentrating on roasting the fat chicken.

Golden eyes twinkle

He was thinking about the future.



PS: Thanks to the readers, "I Xuan Ce Randomly Killed", "Gong" for reminding me to vote.

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