Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 277: Everything Is Under Control

No one would have imagined that the youngest and strongest general of the empire, Esdeth, would lose to Su Mu, a young man who had only recently gained fame in the empire.

Almost instantly, Will, Dr. Fashion, Porus, and Angel Lan all appeared not far away, staring at Su Mu solemnly.

Su Mu didn't care about the sudden appearance of the four people, and his eyes fell more on Estes.

At this moment, Estes was kicked abruptly in the knee by him, and was forced to kneel at his feet, trying to get up several times, but she had to keep her kneeling position because of the cold and force from the sword edge.

For Estes, who has always been strong, this is an unbearable humiliation.

"Is this the youngest and strongest general in the empire?"

He looked at Estes, and spoke calmly again.

410 Estes was silent, knowing that this was a mockery from the other party, but she couldn't refute it.

Because, in the battle just now, he had already lost.

She didn't understand why, she had already chopped off the other party's head, but the other party was still alive.

Although doubtful

But these are not important anymore.

What matters is that he has already lost.

For Estes, what she believes in is 'the strong survive. "

This is what she has always understood.

The strong are respected.

The strong own everything, and the strong are above everything.

This is the truth that Estes once realized.

It's just that, before, she was a strong one, but now, facing Su Mu, she is not anymore.

Very unwilling, but have to admit their failure.

The strength of the young man in front of him is completely above her.

"I lost."

She said these words in a low voice, with a look of desolation in her eyes. She has defeated powerful enemies countless times, hunted and killed powerful dangerous species countless times, and she has never lost.

Very unwilling.

But I have to admit.

Hearing Estes' words, he put his sword back into its sheath.

Estes, who had just been forced to kneel on the ground, also stood up again. At this moment, her hair looked messy, and her face, which was once exquisite like a blooming flower, seemed to wither at this moment.

"I lost."

Estes looked at each other calmly.

As a winner, you should have it all.

And she, a loser, is also the other party's prisoner.

This is the truth understood by Estes, who has insisted on the belief that the strong are respected all his life.

Su Mu naturally understood what the other party meant, and was not surprised at all, because this is the idea that Esdes himself insisted on.

"Betrayed Minister Hornest.

He (acfe) spoke calmly.

Estes was silent.

"Don't tell me that Esdes, the youngest and strongest general in the empire, is the most loyal lackey of Minister Ernest, let alone betray Minister Ernest?"

Su Mu looked at Estes calmly.

For people like Estes, the reason why they work for Minister Ernest is only because, as long as Minister Ernest is in power, such an empire is destined to be in turmoil.

Turbulence will lead to war, and for a person like Estes, she doesn't care about the rights of the empire she is in. What she wants is always her own satisfaction.

Only continuous warfare can continuously produce enemies. This means that even if the entire army of enemies can be wiped out every time, she will always let go of one or two enemies with the most potential

Looking forward to their comeback.

This is the reason why Esthers chose to cooperate with Minister Ernest, and also the reason why she worked for Minister Ernest.

"I need to think about it because, it's not just me."

It took a long time for Estes to speak again.

For Esdeth, the youngest and strongest general in the empire, she already represented not only herself, but also the loyal subordinates who had always been loyal to her, a large part of the elite soldiers of the empire.

Su Mu nodded, he knew that what Esdesi said was not false, because she was indeed a general who cared about her subordinates

Otherwise, Estes would not have a group of soldiers willing to die for her.

"Then I...wait for your final result."

Su Mu spoke calmly.

"Follow me, I will give you a wider stage.

Seeing the figure of Esdeth leaving, the black pupil behind him couldn't help but said: "My lord, let him go like this?"

Su Mu turned her head, looked at Heitong's exquisite face, and couldn't help but smile slightly: "Everything is under control.".

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