Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 338: Finally, To End It All

Return to the Imperial Capital from the West

Go the opposite way.

Before coming to the Western Territory, he led the empire's 50,000 elite to support the Western Territory and suppress the rebellion in the Western Kingdom.

Now, he is marching towards the west with one hundred thousand soldiers and horses~.

Fifty thousand more.

The extra 50,000 have not experienced the test of real war, so they are not elite, but they are more energetic.


Beside him, Chi Tong turned his head and looked at him.

Su Mu turned her head and looked at the girl.

"Thank you."

Chi Tong said softly.

Su Mu was taken aback, then smiled: "Let's go, the emperor is not far away, and the dark world will finally usher in a new, brand new day.


Chitong nodded heavily, his eyes closely followed the back of Su Mu in front of him.

The girl's eyes are infinitely firm.

It seemed that he wanted to follow the figure in front of him all the time.

The army marched out, and the road from the western region to the imperial capital was not blocked by anyone


Can't stop it at all.

a month later

Su Mu led the army to stop, raised his head, and looked into the distance.

imperial capital

Already in sight.

In the thousand-year-old imperial capital, the towering city walls are so tall, every time I see them, I feel a sense of shock in my heart.

This magnificent imperial capital.

It looks so prosperous.

But under the bustling surface, all he saw was a dead silence. Evil spirits roamed freely in this bustling imperial capital, and they were sucking the blood of this thousand-year-old empire.

Up to now, the thousand-year-old imperial capital has been riddled with holes, and the sun is declining.

Finally, it's time to end it all. "

He murmured softly.

Once, he hoped to correct the country from the inside, but he was disappointed in the end. Even though there is still upward momentum within the empire, the upper echelons of the empire have long been corrupted by darkness.

The little emperor who was bewitched by treacherous officials.

Greedy, cruel, cunning, cruel Minister Ernest.

And... the stupid and loyal... General Bude.

He once thought about changing General Bude.


He was disappointed in the end.

Bude, his allegiance has never been to the millennium empire, but to the royal family of the empire that has existed in this land for thousands of years.

"In that case, then..."

His golden eyes fell on the thousand-year-old imperial capital, and he was filled with coldness: "When the high-level officials of this empire are high above and don't care about the life and death of ordinary people under the empire, and oppress at will, then...

"Let's replace all these high-level people."

he said softly.

At the same time, turn your head and look at the people who follow you

black pupil

0...asking for flowers...

red pupil






They shouted, their eyes determined.

"Are you ready?"

He murmured softly.

"It's all ready."

His answer was infinite firmness.


He raised his head: "Put Minister Ernest, kill the emperor, and change this day."


He spoke.

The wind blows, raises the hair

The army launched and attacked the thousand-year-old imperial capital.

The imperial capital of this millennium is on the verge of war again.

The last time it happened, it was still the Revolutionary Army.

They quickly revolted from the south, and in a short period of time, they mastered a large area of ​​the empire from the southern border to the imperial capital

With the momentum of starting a prairie fire, it seems that this empire will be completely burned to ashes.

But when the turbulent flame reached the imperial capital, it was extinguished by the infinite ice and snow.


One of the empire's youngest generals.

The revolutionary army that relied on its own strength was out of breath.


This woman appeared again on the walls of the imperial capital.

The strong wind blows, blowing away the long hair of the heroic girl, and her eyes are fixed on the person under the city wall.

His eyes were burning. .

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