Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter Forty-Three: Meeting A Ghost Again (14)

The night was so long that before they knew it, most of the traders fell asleep, including Tomioka Giyuu next to him.

Of course, the guard who was in charge of protecting the merchant was still vigilant, but at this moment, his eyes were slightly squinted, showing a bit of fatigue.

After all, they are not ghosts, and at this time, they are also sleepy.

Su Mu hugged Tsuyuri Kanawo in his arms and looked into the distance. As a ghost, he keenly sensed the aura of the same kind.

A ghost has been following the caravan.

"Is it the ghost who attacked Tomioka Giyuu's family the day before Tomioka Giyuu's sister reported her marriage?"

He unconsciously thought, carefully put aside Tsuyuri Kanawo who had fallen asleep, and stood up gently.

Following his movements, the vigilant merchant guards also opened their eyes abruptly.

After all, he was still very wary of Su Mu, a stranger walking in the wilderness and mountain suburbs.

Su Mu ignored the merchant guards, and just walked out with light steps.

The leader of the guards was worried and nodded towards the two guards.

The two guards also stood up and followed carefully.

The night was very dark, Su Mu walked slowly into the dark night, the eyes of the two guards who followed were full of doubts, and they were even more deeply vigilant.

What are you going to do when you run out suddenly at such a late night?

Could it be that it is an internal response to some bandits who are responsible for delivering the news?

Some thoughts can't help but appear in my heart, and the boy who looks at the front is even more indifferent, if it is true...

The two guards couldn't help pressing their waists.

Suddenly, the young man wearing a bamboo hat stopped in front of him, turned his head, and looked at the direction they were hiding in: "You guys, go back."

He looked at the two guards and spoke seriously.

"It was discovered."

The two guards couldn't help being shocked. They thought they were careful enough, but they were still discovered.

After being discovered, the two guards did not hide at all, and walked out of the grass, looking around vigilantly: "Say, what are you thinking about running here in the middle of the night, or who are you meeting with?" ?”

Hands, unconsciously pressed on the waist.

Su Mu shook her head helplessly, she was misunderstood again!

"This is not where you stay."

He said seriously.

The two guards obviously didn't believe it, they were still looking at him vigilantly, and even looked eager to catch him and ask him what he meant.

"It's really hard to persuade the damn ghost!"

He smiled wryly, not persuading the two, but turned his head, squinted his eyes, and looked into the distance.

The breath of the ghost is getting closer.

The other party seemed to sense his aura, and at this moment, he also showed hesitation.

But immediately, that ghost charged at an even faster speed.

Under the hat

His eyes were cold, and his hands were just tightly pressing the Nichirin Blades around his waist.

This is the second time he has met a ghost.

Compared with the panic in his heart when he met the ghost for the first time, he is very calm now.

When he first encountered a ghost, he was weaker than a ghost.


After such a long period of training, coupled with the adaptation to his own ghost body strength, his strength has already improved a lot.


He could clearly feel that the strength of this ghost should be similar to the strength of the first ghost he met.

"Alright, just to see how my strength has been during this period of time?"

he said softly.

But at this time, the sound of piercing the air came, and a ghost with a humanoid shape covered in barbs was lying on a big tree in front of him at some point, staring at him coldly with bright red eyes.

"Where did the brat come from... come to my territory and compete with me for blood?"

A gloomy voice came from the other party's mouth.

Exudes infinite malice.

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