Ghost Slayer: My Wife Kanao

Chapter 48: Facing The Future, Yearning

"Sir, you must be a very powerful samurai-sama, right?"

Tomioka Giyuu couldn't help but speak, his eyes were full of admiration.

"Master Samurai?"

Su Mu was slightly taken aback, then shook his head: "I'm not a warrior."

"Even if he is not a warrior, he is still a very powerful person."

Tomioka Giyuu said seriously.

Su Mu smiled wryly, what a human being he is! He is a ghost.

Of course, these cannot be said.

"Can I learn some skills from you?"

Tomioka Giyuu was a little cautious, but also a little expectant.

Su Mu was a little stunned, and learned skills from a ghost.

Where can he teach Tomioka Giyuu.

"Why do you want to study with me?"

He couldn't help but have some doubts, and at the same time, he also felt the firmness in the young man's eyes.

"Because I can feel that you are very powerful. If I can be as powerful as my husband, I can protect myself and the people I want to protect."

Tomioka Giyuu said seriously.

Do you want to become stronger because you want to protect the people you want to protect?

He whispered silently.

After waiting for a long time, without waiting for Su Mu's answer, Tomioka Giyuu felt a little lost, feeling that he should be... rejected.

Then, he saw the other party's golden eyes under the bamboo hat looking at him

"I don't have the ability to teach you, because my ability is not suitable for you."

"I see."

Tomioka Giyuu nodded disappointedly.

"However, I can tell you where you can learn skills."

He suddenly laughed.


Tomioka Giyuu showed excitement.

"Xiawushan, there is an old man there, he is very powerful, he can teach you, from there, you can learn what you want to learn."

Su Mu said softly.

In his mind, the figure of that person appeared involuntarily.

water column

Urokodaki Sakonji.

In the future, he has taught Makomo, Sabito, Kamado Tanjirou and other excellent ghost killers, and is also the teacher of Tomioka Giyuu in the future.

Is a very powerful person.

"That person, is Mr. You good?"

Tomioka Giyuu couldn't help asking.

"Much better than I am now."

he laughed.

After hearing this, Tomioka Giyuu couldn't help but look forward to it, and really wanted to visit the old man now.

Su Mu smiled and patted Tomioka Giyuu's shoulder: "Yes, we will see you later."

"Also, don't call me sir. Speaking of which, I'm not as old as you now."

His actions also woke up the girl who was sleeping soundly in his arms.

The girl opened her beautiful purple eyes.

"Woke up?"

Su Mu lowered her head and looked at the girl tenderly.

"Sir, I've been holding you all this way. Your fiancé is really gentle with you."

Tomioka Giyuu next to him couldn't help but speak.

Tsuyuri Kanawo's beautiful purple eyes flickered surprisingly, his little hands couldn't help tugging at his sleeves, and his petite body struggled in his arms.

"Want to come down, Kanao?"

Su Mu asked.

The girl nodded in a rare way.

Su Mu was taken aback for a moment, it was the first time he saw Tsuyuri Kanawo expressing his wishes, and nodded.

"Is your fiancée's name Kanao?"

Tomioka Giyuu couldn't help asking.

Su Mu smiled: "It's called, Lihualuo. Kanao."

"Chestnut Blossom Fall. Kanao"

Tomioka Giyuu repeated, then nodded: "It's really a nice name."

"His parents really know how to name them."

Tomioka Giyuu couldn't help but said.

"No, I started it."

Su Mu shook her head.

"Miss Kanao, it's really romantic that your name was given by your fiancé."

Tomioka Giyuu couldn't help laughing.

Kanao didn't speak, but his little hand grasped Su Mu's sleeve even tighter.

"Sorry, she doesn't like talking to strangers very much."

Su Mu was somewhat apologetic.

"It's okay, I can see that the husband's fiancee is very dependent on you, and the husband must be like a protector in Miss Kanao's eyes."

Tomioka Giyuu didn't care that Kanao didn't answer his words.

"In the future, I will also be the protector of my sister Tomioka Tsutako."

Tomioka Giyuu looked at the sky, clenched his fists, and yearned for the future.



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Readers, I want to add more, exhaust me. (*^▽^*)

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