"How can he be so strong?"

The long-tongued ghost put back his broken arm and looked at the god-of-war figure in front of him in disbelief.

More than a dozen of them joined forces, and with the hand ghost that had eaten more than 40 people, they still had no power to fight back.

Why was such a strong ghost captured in Fujiki Mountain?

Are the people in the Demon Slayer Corps crazy?

Seeing another ghost torn into pieces, the tongue ghost felt cold in his heart, and he couldn't help but think of running away.

If he continued to fight like this, there was no possibility of winning.

As for exhausting the enemy's physical strength, it was like a fairy tale.

But if he escaped now, what would he do in the future?

Fujiki Mountain was so small that there was no place to hide. One day they would meet, and when that time came, he would be the only one left. Wouldn't he be dead for sure?

"Wait a minute!"

The long-tongued ghost suddenly found that something was wrong: "Why haven't those knocked down ghosts gotten up yet? Are they pretending to be dead?"

Suddenly, his eyes widened.

In the bushes not far away, a ghost that was cut into two pieces had his eyes closed tightly, motionless, and blood was flowing from the wound, dyeing the surroundings red.

The long-tongued ghost stared at the ghost's wound, and his body gradually trembled.

No regeneration!

There was no sign of regeneration at all!

He turned his head and looked around. All the ghosts who fell to the ground had terrible wounds on their bodies, and none of them healed.

"Could it be that he can not only eat ghosts, but also make the ghosts unable to regenerate?"

The moment this thought emerged, the long-tongued ghost could no longer restrain the fear in his heart, and turned around and ran.

He threw all the methods of eating ghosts and future safety behind his mind.

At this time, his heart was filled with strong regret.

How did he get blinded by lard to provoke such a terrifying guy?


The wind blew in his face.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the long-tongued ghost's way.


The long-tongued ghost's hands and feet were cold, and his heart and gall were broken.

Before he could react, a fist appeared in his field of vision and quickly enlarged.


The consciousness of the long-tongued ghost fell into darkness.

Qingmu did not notice that the one who died under his fist this time was the instigator, and turned to pounce on another ghost.

Soon, other ghosts also found the problem.

"No, no, no!"

"What is going on? Why haven't those ghosts recovered from their injuries?"

"You, what did you do?"

Looking at the broken limbs and arms around her, a long-haired female ghost screamed out of control, and a strong fear rose on her pale face.

Qingmu did not answer, kicked his feet, and pounced.


The long-haired female ghost's head exploded and her body fell down.

"He, he is a devil! I won't do it! I won't do it!"

Another ghost collapsed and turned to run away frantically.

This caused a chain reaction, and all the ghosts began to run away.

"You think of running away now? It's too late!"

The killing intent in Qingmu's eyes boiled.

He had anticipated this situation and had been quietly preparing for it. When he attacked before, he deliberately chose those ghosts with fast speed and agility. The rest were clumsy.


The smoke and dust were flying, and the footsteps were like drums.

Qingmu was like a super sports car. Although he was less flexible, he was fast enough and rushed forward without any opponent.


The hand ghost dragged his heavy body and ran wildly, looking back from time to time.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Why is he so strong?"

The plan failed, and he was even at risk of death. Fear, anger and jealousy gnawed at his twisted heart, making him almost crazy.

Suddenly, a river blocked the way, and the hand ghost was not surprised but happy.

"Great, I remember there is a hiding place across the river! That guy, wait for me, wait until I eat more people and become stronger, then..."

His expression froze and his thoughts stopped abruptly.


Accompanied by dense and heavy footsteps, a figure with amazing momentum quickly attacked from behind.

"How could it be? How could they catch up so quickly? Where are the other ghosts? Are they all dead?" The hand ghost gritted his teeth.

Qingmu jumped up, drew a parabola in the air, and punched the hand ghost's head with the force of a mountain.

"Get out of the way!"

The hand ghost hugged his four arms together to form a huge fist and punched it.

Bang bang bang!

Muscles torn, bones collapsed, blood and flesh splattered, arms exploded one by one, and the hand ghost retreated several steps.

Qingmu turned over and landed steadily.

"Found you!"

"Where are the other ghosts?" The hand ghost stared at him.

"Do you still care about other ghosts?"

Qingmu walked over slowly.

"Wait, wait!"

The hand ghost waved his hands again and again: "Stop it! My strength is more than what you see. Believe me, if you continue to fight, you will definitely not feel good!"

"I'm happy to see your true strength."

As soon as Qingmu finished speaking, the soil under him exploded, and two arms rushed out.

It was exactly the same move that the hand ghost had used to attack him at the beginning.

Unfortunately, without the other ghosts to hold him back, such a slow attack could not touch him at all.

Qingmu jumped back, dodged the attack, and suddenly reached out and grabbed it.

The hand ghost's arm was as thick as an adult's waist, like a big tree. In comparison, Qingmu's arm was like a slender and fragile bamboo pole.

However, the moment he was caught, there was a creaking sound, and the hand ghost's movement stopped, and his arm was stuck on the ground.

Pulling, he couldn't pull it back, pulling, he couldn't pull it.

Qingmu twisted his hands hard.


Both arms broke off.

Not wanting to play with him anymore, Qingmu threw away the broken arm and rushed towards the hand ghost.

"No! Don't come over! Get out, get out!"

The hand ghost was terrified, waving his arms and attacking frantically, but he couldn't stop Qingmu's steps at all, and he was approached in a blink of an eye.

Boom boom boom!

After a few punches, the hand ghost's body was riddled with holes and fell down.

His muscles twitched all over his body, and he asked unwillingly with only half of his mouth left: "You are so strong, why were you captured in Fujiki Mountain?"

Aoki grabbed the head of the hand ghost with his palm: "Who told you that I was captured by the Demon Slayer Corps?"

"What? You..." The hand ghost suddenly widened his eyes.

Aoki did not give him another chance to speak.


[Kill the hand ghost and gain 25 experience points. ]

"Just 25 points?" Aoki frowned immediately.

This is too poor!

He thought the hand ghost's experience could be more than 40 points.

"Is it because I have upgraded to another level? How much has the experience of ordinary ghosts dropped?"

Aoki had a bad premonition and quickly returned to the previous battlefield.

The remains of the ghosts were everywhere.

Although it looked tragic, these ghosts were actually still alive.

This strong vitality is indeed amazing.

Aoki piled all the ghosts together and activated "Swallow Ghost".

The system prompts began to refresh the screen.

[Kill a ghost and gain 5 experience points. 】

【Kill a ghost and gain 6 experience points. 】

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