Hua La La!

The wisteria bushes swayed, and a figure rushed out.

He looked extremely scary, with purple spots all over his face, and his flesh and blood seemed to have melted.

"Finally out."

Qingmu looked back and found no trace of the enemy.

But this did not make him feel at ease.

The enemy would definitely not give up so easily.


A slight hissing sound of air entered his ears, and Qingmu's face changed, and he barely twisted his waist.


Like a sharp blade passing by, his waist was cut in half, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

If he had reacted a moment slower just now, he might have been cut in half.

A slender figure was outlined in the air, and the red-eyed female ghost looked at Qingmu with a smile.

"You are so slow, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Fourth of the Lower Moon? Invisibility?"

Qingmu frowned.

He had some impression of this female ghost. It seemed that her name was Ling Yuzi. She lived until Tanjiro joined the Demon Slayer Corps. Finally, when Muzan abolished the Lower String, she was killed by Muzan himself.

Dong Dong Dong...

A tall figure with a cloud of dust was approaching quickly from a distance.

"It's the Bull-headed Demon of the Lower String Six. No wonder I didn't hear any movement. It turns out that he didn't follow me into the wisteria forest."

Aoki's thoughts flashed, and his expression suddenly became stern.

Ling Yuzi disappeared!

Did she become invisible again?

There was a faint sound of breaking through the air behind him, and Aoki's arm suddenly swept back.


The arm passed through the air and touched nothing.


He felt a pain in his back, and sharp claws pierced out of his chest.

Aoki looked back again, but still couldn't catch any trace of Ling Yuzi.

He calmed down.

His speed and skills were completely crushed.

Dong Dong Dong!

The footsteps behind him were getting closer and closer.

As Qingmu turned around, the bull-headed ghost was already in front of him. He took a defensive posture, crossed his arms and placed them across his chest.

Boom! The huge force poured into his body with a violent shock wave, and countless wounds exploded all over Qingmu's body, turning him into a bloody man in an instant.

With this force, he flew a distance and immediately turned around and ran away after landing.

He couldn't beat either of these two ghosts, and he would definitely lose when facing their joint forces!

But before Qingmu ran far, he was blocked by Ling Yuzi again, and a claw almost cut off his neck.

After a slight delay, the bull-headed ghost caught up again.


With his arms torn into pieces, Qingmu hit a big tree hard. After regaining his balance, he didn't dare to delay at all and immediately jumped to the side.

A claw appeared out of thin air and sank into the trunk he had just leaned on.

"One is strong and attacks head-on, and the other is fast and can be invisible, responsible for harassment, interception and sneak attacks. With the cooperation of the two of them, I can't escape at all!"

Aoki took a breath, his eyes were still clear.

He couldn't count how many times his arms were broken and how many holes appeared on his body.

He was beaten badly and had basically no room to fight back.

However, the two ghosts Ling Yuzi also fell into his previous troubles.

They could suppress him and defeat him, but they couldn't cause any substantial damage to him, just consumed some of his physical strength.

But Aoki didn't relax because of this.

He didn't forget his guess that there might be an upper string coming.

Time is not on his side.

The current situation must be broken!

The key is Ling Yuzi.

Aoki glanced at the red-eyed female ghost whose figure was fading quickly.

Her speed was the fundamental reason why he couldn't get rid of the two ghosts and escape.

However, she was very cautious. Before taking action, she would never show up. Every time she took action, regardless of whether it was successful, she would immediately become invisible again.

There is no opportunity, so you can only create opportunities yourself!


The huge fist came with amazing momentum, and the shock wave caused the surrounding air to distort a little.

Qingmu crossed his arms and placed them across his chest.

Bang! The flesh and blood on his arms collapsed and splashed everywhere, turning the surrounding area into a bloody hell.


On the flesh and blood, a shallow footprint suddenly appeared, which could not be found without careful observation.

However, as an excellent hunter, Qingmu also has a pair of eagle eyes, and he just has this observation ability.

"Finally caught you, it's worth my effort to cover the surrounding area with flesh and blood!"

Qingmu's eyes suddenly ignited with flames.

He has a trump card, and he has been holding back and not using it, just for this moment.

"Blood boiling", open!


The blood in his whole body seemed to burn, and a few blood beads oozed out of the surface of his skin, and then turned into wisps of blood-colored mist, lingering around.

It felt like his body wanted to explode, and there was an infinite power that wanted to vent.


The ground exploded, and Qingmu's figure suddenly disappeared.

Ling Yuzi, who was about to launch an attack, was stunned for a moment, and when she came to her senses, she found that Qingmu was already in front of her.

"Exposed? Impossible! He couldn't have found me, it was just a coincidence!"

Before she finished thinking, a violent fist hit her chest.

Bang! The terrifying power instantly tore open the skin, crushed the bones, and destroyed the internal organs.

"How did his power become so much stronger?!"

Ling Yuzi was horrified to find that there was a huge hole in her chest, and she was almost smashed in two by a punch.

Aoki grabbed Ling Yuzi's neck, pounced forward, pushed her to the ground, and pinned her down.

"let me go!"

Ling Yuzi screamed and attacked frantically with his claws.

Behind him, the familiar sound of breaking through the air came.

Bang bang bang!

Aoki's head had several holes, and half of his chest was smashed.

But the fire in his eyes became more intense, and he raised his fist.

Boom, boom, boom!

Ling Yuzi's body fell apart in less than a second.

The neck was broken, the arm was torn from the shoulder, and the two thighs were broken into several pieces.


When Aoki was about to completely blow Ling Yuzi's head off, a strong shock wave exploded behind him, knocking him away.

"If you dare to ignore me, you are seeking death!" the Minotaur yelled.

Aoki didn't pay any attention to his words.

"It's a pity. If I can devour a lower string, my experience will at least be enough for me to advance to level 1."

Although he was a little regretful, he did not forget his real mission. He adjusted his posture, regained his balance, and ran into the distance without looking back after landing.

He had been using "Ghost Swallowing" when attacking. It was impossible for Ling Yuzi to recover in a short time and he was no longer able to move.

It's time to run away!

The Minotaur was stunned for a moment, looked at Ling Yuzi who was struggling and screaming, gritted his teeth and chased after him.

The two ghosts chased each other and quickly disappeared into the jungle.

But the Minotaur was not as fast as Aoki. The effect of Aoki's "blood boiling" had not ended yet, and his speed was far faster than usual. He soon lost track of Aoki.

"Damn it! What are you doing?"

After confirming that he had really lost track of him, the Minotaur roared unwillingly and smashed the tree next to him with one punch, and had no choice but to turn around and return.

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